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Viewing page 140 of 147 giving 2924 results

  • Protecting the right of disabled people to independent living

    Date: 23rd February 2011
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights is seeking evidence about independent living for disabled people, as guaranteed by Article 19, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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  • Partnership Drugs Initiative

    Date: 23rd February 2011

    The Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland has announced that its Partnership Drugs Initiative (PDI) is now open for applications. The overall aim of the PDI is to increase the well-being of children and young people affected by drugs and alcohol.

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  • Girls on the Move

    Date: 23rd February 2011

    Youth Scotland has grants of up to £2,000 available for projects and initiatives across Scotland that increase physical activity levels among girls and young women. The funding is available to groups working with girls and young women aged 12 - 18 years who are not currently taking part in physical activity.

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  • UNICEF UK wants you!

    Date: 21st February 2011
    Category: General measures of implementation

    UNICEF UK is looking for a small group of young people to help inform their policy work on both UK and international issues. To apply, you need to be aged between 10 and 16, passionate about issues like climate change, child poverty and children & young people's rights and willing to commit to being involved for two years.

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  • Concluding Observations Adopted by the CRC at its 56th Session

    Date: 21st February 2011
    Category: UK 1st periodic review

    The Human Rights Treaty Division has released the following Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child at its 56th session, held in Geneva, from 17 January to 4 February 2011. The Final version of the Observations are provided in the original language of adoption.

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  • Campaign for Savings Accounts System for Looked After Children

    Date: 7th February 2011
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    On January 1st 2011 child trust funds were abolished for all children. For looked after children, this system had provided a savings account and minimum contribution year-on-year to be accessed when becoming an adult and leaving the care system. Action for Children is campaigning for a savings account system to be reinstated.

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  • Landmark human rights ruling allows asylum mother to remain in UK

    Date: 7th February 2011
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    Supreme court says deporting woman who lied on asylum application would infringe rights of her British children. Immigration authorities will have to listen to the views of children whose parents are facing deportation, the supreme court has said, in a landmark human rights ruling on the rights of children born to illegal immigrants.

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  • Human Rights and Child Poverty

    Date: 7th February 2011
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Mark Kelly is a Research Assistant at the Centre for Rural Childhood, Perth College UHI. He is currently working on an action-based research project promoting Article 12 of the UNCRC. Here Mark gives his comments on human rights and child poverty following a presentation by Sir Al Aynsley-Green, former Children Commissioner for England, at the Westminster Education Forum.

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  • UN Special Representative on Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises’ Draft Guiding Principles

    Date: 7th February 2011
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation

    In October 2010, Edinburgh hosted the 10th International Conference of National Human Rights Institutions. At the end of the event, the 'Edinburgh Declaration' was launched to call for action to address the corporate abuse of human rights. As a result, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on transnational corporations and other business enterprises, Professor John Ruggie, proposed draft "Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the United Nations 'Protect, Respect and Remedy' Framework".

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  • Article 12 UNCRC Awareness Survey

    Date: 7th February 2011
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, General measures of implementation

    The Centre for Rural Childhood based at the Perth College UHI, is seeking your assistance with an action-based research project promoting Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), namely the right of children to be heard and have their views respected in all matters affecting them.

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  • Allen Lane Foundation

    Date: 7th February 2011

    The Foundation is interested in funding work which benefits people in the following groups, or generalist work which includes significant numbers from more than one such group: Asylum-seekers and refugees, Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender people, Gypsies and Travellers, Migrant workers, Offenders and ex-offenders, Older people, People experiencing mental health problems, People experiencing violence or abuse.

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  • Henry Smith's Charity - Outings for Young People

    Date: 7th February 2011

    Applications can be made for grants towards holidays or outings within the UK for children aged 13 and under who are from areas of high deprivation, are experiencing disadvantage, or those who have a disability.

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  • Ryvoan Charitable Trust

    Date: 7th February 2011

    Ryvoan Charitable Trust awards grants to charities and community groups working in Scotland and welcomes applications for projects within the following areas: prevention of relief and poverty; advancement of education; advancement of health; advancement of human rights; promotion of equality and diversity; promotion of religious or racial harmony etc.

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  • The UK Poverty Rip Off: The poverty premium 2010

    Date: 28th January 2011
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The UK Poverty Rip Off campaign aims to raise awareness of the shocking fact that low income families are still paying more than better off families in the UK.

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  • Jennie S Gordon Memorial Foundation

    Date: 26th January 2011

    Jennie S Gordon Memorial Foundation awards grants to the charities and community groups working in Scotland and welcomes applications for projects within the following areas: prevention of relief and poverty; advancement of education; advancement of religion; advancement of health; advancement of arts, heritage, culture, or science; relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

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  • Centre for Social Justice Awards

    Date: 24th January 2011

    Applications for the CSJ Awards 2011 are now open. The annual CSJ Awards recognise effective poverty fighting groups from across the UK. Cash prizes of £10,000 are awarded to charities, small voluntary groups and other local projects that display innovation and effectiveness in addressing the causes of poverty, turning lives around and reversing social breakdown.

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  • Getting It Right Practice Briefings Published

    Date: 24th January 2011
    Category: General measures of implementation, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The briefings build on the 'Guide to Getting it right for every child' and provide a wealth of useful detail on various aspects of the programme.

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  • Children's Hearings

    Date: 12th January 2011
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Legislation to strengthen and modernise Scotland's unique children's hearings system, and improve the way it supports vulnerable children, has been given Royal Assent.

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  • Santander Foundation

    Date: 7th January 2011

    The Santander Foundation helps disadvantaged people through their two charitable priorities: Financial Capability and Education and Training.

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  • Youth in Action

    Date: 7th January 2011

    The European Commission has announced the 2011 call for proposals under its Youth in Action Programme. Youth in Action is the Programme the European Union has set up for young people. It aims to inspire a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among young Europeans and to involve them in shaping the Union's future. It promotes mobility within and beyond the EU''s borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, and encourages the inclusion of all young people, regardless of their educational, social and cultural background.

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Viewing page 140 of 147 giving 2924 results