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  • Loneliness a Key Concern for Thousands of Children

    Date: 2nd May 2017
    Category: Mental health

    Thousands of young people are reaching out to Childline for help with feelings of loneliness and isolation as they struggle with the pressures of growing up in today's society.

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  • Report on ‘holiday hunger’

    Date: 2nd May 2017
    Category: Social security

    Children at risk of hunger over the summer include more than 1 million children who receive free school meals during term time and 2 million more with working parents who are still in poverty. The holidays leaves them vulnerable to malnutrition and undermines their education and life chances.

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  • Human rights response to General Election announcement

    Date: 2nd May 2017
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    Many questions have been raised following Theresa May's General Election announcement regarding human rights and protections. Responding to the announcement, the British Institute for Human Rights (BIHR) have written an initial response.

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  • Protection from child poverty recognised by European Pillar of Social Rights

    Date: 2nd May 2017
    Category: Child poverty

    The European Commission has put forward a proposal for a European Pillar of Social Rights which recognises "children's right to protection from poverty", among others.

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  • Work-Life balance for working parents and carers

    Date: 2nd May 2017
    Category: Parental responsibilities

    The European Commission has put forward a comprehensive proposal on 'Work-Life balance for working parents and carers'. This package proposes leave schemes as well as provisions of quality, affordable and accessible care services and flexible working arrangements.

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  • Revised Religious Observance guidance for schools falls short of UN recommendation

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Together has concerns that the revised guidance still falls short of fulfilling the recommendation from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

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  • Emoji card pilot to help children have their say

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    A new way for children and young people to engage during Children's Hearings is being trialled in two areas of central Scotland from April. Emoji cards will be available as an aid to help children and young people express themselves more fully during Children's Hearing's in Falkirk and Livingston.

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  • Launch of Care Review website

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Care Experienced children

    Fiona Duncan, Chair of the care review, has launched a temporary website with further information about plans for how the initial stages of the review will operate.

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  • Prevent receives just 16 referrals from Scottish schools in two years

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Non-discrimination, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Figures from TES show that schools have made 16 out of 131 referrals to Prevent since the duty - which imposes a legal requirement on teachers to report suspected extremist behaviour to the authorities - was introduced in Scotland in April 2015.

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  • ‘A third of Scottish children’ have experienced racism

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Non-discrimination, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    More than a third of children in Scotland experience racism, according to figures from Show Racism the Red Card. The charity, which delivers anti-racism education, says 37% of children and young people say they have been targeted - an increase of 19% from last year.

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  • Hundreds of 'restraint injuries' at special schools

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Right to life, survival and development, Restraint, Disabled children, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Hundreds of children have been injured while being physically restrained in special schools, according to figures obtained by Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to Local Authorities. The figures revealed at least 731 injuries in the past three years.

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  • Successful intervention in Supreme Court case regarding offences committed as a child

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Child justice system, Protection of privacy

    The Supreme Court has ruled that Scottish law on sexual offences committed against children is not compatible with the right to private life.

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  • Scottish Human Rights recommendations for 2017 UPR

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

    The UPR is a way of holding countries to account for their compliance with international human rights laws and standards.

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  • Human Rights and Business 2017: Promoting responsibility and ensuring accountability

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Legislation and enforcement need to be improved to ensure adequate protection of workers' human rights, a report published by the Joint Committee on Human Rights has found.

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  • Child Participation Strategy endorsed

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    For the first time, children and young people facilitated discussions at the Eurochild Members' Day to gather views on the Child Participation Strategy, which was formally endorsed the following day at the General Assembly in Brussels.

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  • Protecting all children in migration: Commission outlines priority actions

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Right to life, survival and development, Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children, Child trafficking, Children in situations of exploitation

    Over the past two years, a growing number of children in migration have arrived in the EU, many of them without their families. The Commission has set out actions to reinforce the protection of all migrant children at all stages of the process.

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  • National Youth Work Strategy Evaluation

    Date: 14th April 2017

    This survey is part of the evaluation of the impact of the first two years of the National Youth Work Strategy 2014-19. The evaluation is being carried out by YouthLink Scotland in partnership with Education Scotland and the Scottish Government.

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  • Independent review of hate crime legislation

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Non-discrimination

    Lord Bracadale has been appointed by the Scottish Ministers to undertake an independent review of hate crime legislation in Scotland. He is looking at the existing offences that come under the umbrella of "hate crime" so that he can form a view as to how well the present law works.

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  • Improving Educational Outcomes for Children and Young People from Travelling Cultures

    Date: 14th April 2017
    Category: Non-discrimination

    The Scottish Government have worked with stakeholders to develop guidance to support those working with Traveller children and young people to improve educational outcomes over time. This consultation is seeking your views on the draft guidance.

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  • Brexit: Rights at Risk

    Date: 3rd April 2017
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, General measures of implementation

    Experts from 12 different civil society organisations have outlined the potential impacts on rights in Scotland of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.

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Viewing page 85 of 147 giving 2924 results