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  • The Conversations Project: A Report to the Steering Group of the National Review of Services for Disabled Children and Young People

    Date: 22nd June 2012
    Category: Children with disabilities
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Scottish Government has published a report of the Conversations Project with disabled children and young people, asking about their lives, expectations and aspirations.

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  • Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011

    Date: 20th June 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation, Refugee and asylum seeking children
    Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

    This year's European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights annual report chronicles the positive developments made in 2011 as well as the challenges facing the EU and its Member States in the field of fundamental rights, drawing on objective, reliable and comparable socio-legal data.

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  • New Resource on Homophobic Bullying

    Date: 15th June 2012
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, General measures of implementation
    Author: LGBT Youth Scotland

    This new resource on Homophobic Bullying is targeted at all pupils in Scottish Schools as part of the Challenging Homophobia Together Schools Project.

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  • Children and Young people’s Mental Health Indicators: final report

    Date: 15th June 2012
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: NHS Health Scotland

    The Children and Young People's Mental Health Indicators provide a means to assess and monitor the mental health of Scotland's children and young people. They also look at the contextual factors surrounding a child or young person's mental health.

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  • Getting it Right for Play Toolkit

    Date: 15th June 2012
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
    Author: Play Scotland

    The Getting it Right for Play Toolkit, published by Play Scotland, gives local authorities and community groups evaluation tools to assess the extent to which the outdoor play needs of children and young people are being met.

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  • Legal opinion on incorporation of UNCRC into Scots Law

    Date: 15th June 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: UNICEF

    UNICEF UK has commissioned a legal opinion from Aidan O'Neill QC at Matrix Chambers to explore in detail the ability of the Scottish Government under current devolved arrangements (the Scotland Act 1998) to incorporate (partially or fully) the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots law.

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  • Scotland: the best place to bring up children?

    Date: 13th June 2012
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Parenting across Scotland

    In this collection entitled 'Scotland: the best place in the world to bring up children?' contributors put forward proposals for what needs to happen to make Scotland the best place in the world to bring up children.

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  • Universal Periodic Review of the UK

    Date: 13th June 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: Human Rights Consortium Scotland

    A summary report on the UPR Hearing that took place in Geneva on 24th May and subsequent developments including a link to the UN's draft report.

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  • GUS 6th Annual Conference Report - findings from Year 6

    Date: 13th June 2012
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Growing Up in Scotland study

    The report from the sixth Annual GUS Conference is available to download along with a copy of the Minister's speech, the presentation slides from the day and an audio recording of the main presentations.

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  • New guidance to help social workers assess age of young people seeking asylum

    Date: 13th June 2012
    Category: Refugee and asylum seeking children
    Author: Scottish Refugee Council

    Age assessment guidance aimed at helping vulnerable young asylum seekers get the right support, has been launched by Scottish Refugee Council.

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  • Equality Law Bulletin

    Date: 4th June 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: Equality and Human Rights Commission

    This bi-monthly newsletter will report on decisions on discrimination and human rights law in Scotland and Great Britain as well as developments on the Public Sector Duties.

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  • Counting the Costs 2012

    Date: 1st June 2012
    Author: Contact a Family

    Alongside a stark reminder of the harsh financial reality already faced by families caring for a disabled child; the report also shows the level of confusion and concern about the current welfare reform agenda and the impact that it will have.

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  • New report on the early experiences of Primary School

    Date: 31st May 2012
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
    Author: Scottish Government

    A new report from the Growing Up in Scotland study provides new information about experiences of starting primary school for children and their parents.

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  • Measuring Child Poverty

    Date: 29th May 2012
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, General measures of implementation
    Author: UNICEF

    A new UNICEF report demonstrates that, during the early years of the global economic crisis, the UK did better than many other rich countries in reducing child poverty and protecting children from deprivation. However, UNICEF UK has warned that Government policies to reduce spending may risk more children growing up in poverty.

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  • Not a minor offence: unaccompanied children locked up as part of the asylum system

    Date: 25th May 2012
    Category: Refugee and asylum seeking children
    Author: Refugee Council

    This report discusses the situation of children detained as part of the asylum process because a decision has been made to treat them as adults.

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  • Building a fairer Britain: Reform of the Equality and Human Rights Commission

    Date: 24th May 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: UK Government

    The Government response to the consultation on the reform of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

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  • Being part of Scotland's story under the UN Disability Convention

    Date: 16th May 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation, UK 1st periodic review
    Author: Equality and Human Rights Commission

    The Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Scottish Human Rights Commission have launched a short animated film to raise awareness of the UN Disability Convention in Scotland.

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  • A critical review and analysis of current research and policy relating to disabled children and young people in Scotland

    Date: 11th May 2012
    Category: Children with disabilities
    Author: Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People

    This report was undertaken to help the Commissioner identify specific issues affecting the inclusion of disabled children and young people, and indicates key areas for improvement in the course of his strategic plan. The report covers areas such as education, self-directed support, short breaks and transition to adulthood.

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  • Do the Right Thing - a progress report on the Scottish Government's response to the 2008 concluding observations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

    Date: 11th May 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: Scottish Government

    A report setting out the progress the Scottish Government have made since the publication of their original children's rights action plan "Do the Right Thing" in 2009. As well as setting out progress to date, the report also describes the range of additional activity that Scottish Ministers are committed to delivering over the life of this parliament in order to progress the rights agenda.

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  • Consultation on Rights of Children and Young People Bill - Scottish Government Response

    Date: 11th May 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Scottish Government response to the Consultation on a proposed Rights of Children and Young People Bill is available for download here.

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