Each children's human rights approach principle has resources for each outcome. 


Equality and Non-Discrimination




An icon of a page with a spanner on it, with three lines coming out to colourful circles.

Some of the resources that will help provide an introductory understanding of the UNCRC are in an introductory reading list. 

You can also access:

Case studies and scenarios of professional practice

Case studies from the Children and Families Panel

Videos covering a range of subjects

Blogs from project partners, children and families

A glossary of key terms used in the Framework

An icon of a pencil, a TV, a presentation screen, and a page all in a circle.

As part of the Children’s Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework development, existing resources on children rights were mapped and assessed for relevance and quality.

This Excel spreadsheet contains links to over 500 resources on children’s rights and taking a children’s human rights approach. The spreadsheet can be filtered by the principles of a children’s human rights approach (accountability, embedding, empowerment, equality and non-discrimination and participation); the skill level of the Children’s Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework (informed, skilled or enhanced); organisation or author; and the level of detail in the resource (short, medium and long). The spreadsheet can also be searched for key words such as education, health, play and youth work.

This Excel spreadsheet, and the majority of linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing in these linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.

An icon of two people with a lightbulb above their head, looking at a graph.

If helpful for your work, you can also access:

A sample workforce survey

A sample survey for learning leads

Information about the panels

Information about the project partners

An icon of a folder with  magnifying glass, with pages emerging from it.

This is a Scottish Government-funded project. This webpage, and the linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing on this webpage and in its linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.