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  • Together is seeking evidence on child rights in Scotland

    Date: 2nd September 2014
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    What are your views & experiences of the fulfillment of children's rights in Scotland? Together is seeking written evidence to inform its State of Children's Rights report.

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  • New Child Rights Launchpad in Scotland

    Date: 2nd September 2014
    Category: Awareness-raising

    UNICEF UK has launched an exciting new children's rights experience for children and young people in Scotland, with an interactive website and offline materials.

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  • Research finds that young carers are continually facing financial hardship

    Date: 29th August 2014
    Category: Young carers

    The Scottish Youth Parliament has published a research report highlighting concerning levels of anxiety felt by young carers in Scotland.

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  • Article 10 Project launched

    Date: 27th August 2014
    Category: Awareness-raising

    Named after Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), The Human Rights Consortium Scotland (HRCS) has launched a new campaign so that human rights are widely recognised as a set of values and standards that unite us all.

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  • Article 10 Project launched (1)

    Date: 27th August 2014
    Category: Awareness-raising

    Named after Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), The Human Rights Consortium Scotland (HRCS) has launched a new campaign so that human rights are widely recognised as a set of values and standards that unite us all.Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This includes freedom to hold opinions and receive and share information and ideas without interference by a public body except in particular situations e.g. protecting national security.The HRCS Article 10 Project seeks to:- Inform people about human rights They have produced 'Wee Information Notes' on 10 subjects focusing on issues people think are important, now, alongside two general leaflets.Download the leaflets here. - Assure people that human rights are relevant to their everyday livesThe current debate in Scotland on the pros and cons of independence is an example of us all exercising our right to form an opinion under Article 10 of the ECHR. To vote in free and fair elections is also a human right (Article 3, Protocol 1 of the ECHR).- Acknowledge that we each have a role in the equal enjoyment of human rightsFor example, to respect the right of people to hold different opinions on sport, on the Referendum, etc.- Secure long-term gain.During the Referendum Campaign they ask people to declare their support for human rights being centre stage in modern Scotland, whatever the outcome.Find out more about the Article 10 Project here.

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  • Call for urgent action to address CAMHS

    Date: 26th August 2014
    Category: Mental health

    New figures released by the Information Services Division of National Services Scotland indicate that the vast majority of Health Boards are currently failing to meet a 26-week waiting time target for treatment from specialist child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS).

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  • SCRA publishes fourth set of Official Statistics

    Date: 21st August 2014
    Category: Policies & procedures

    On 21st August 2014 the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) published its Official Statistics for 2013/14.

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  • Human Rights in Scotland's Future: Insight Paper

    Date: 20th August 2014
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Scottish Human Rights Commission has published an Insights Paper with recommendations outlining how opportunities could be taken to improve human rights protection in Scotland, whatever happens in the Scottish independence referendum.

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  • UN Committee Day of Discussion 2014: digital media & child rights

    Date: 18th August 2014
    Category: Access to appropriate information

    The topic for the 2014 day of discussion will be digital media and children's rights & the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child are inviting children to participate.

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  • Paid internship at Together

    Date: 13th August 2014
    Category: Policies & procedures

    Together is recruiting a Membership and Communications Intern, to help develop its relationship with members and expand its reach across Scotland.

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  • Views from children on coping with a family member in prison

    Date: 7th August 2014
    Category: Children of prisoners

    Every year 27,000 children and young people have to cope with someone in their family being in prison: a new Enquire blog addresses this pressing children's rights issue.

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  • Children’s Commissioner’s annual report laid before Parliament

    Date: 7th August 2014
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Commissioner's annual report for the 2013/14 financial year was laid before the Scottish Parliament on 6th August 2014, and discusses work done over the previous year.

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  • Bolivia bans all corporal punishment of children

    Date: 6th August 2014
    Category: Equal protection from violence

    On 17th July 2014, the President of Bolivia signed into law a new Children and Adolescents Code for the country, which explicitly prohibits all corporal punishment of children, including in the home.

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  • Inclusive play in Scotland: complete the survey now!

    Date: 5th August 2014
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities

    A survey has been launched to review inclusive play in Scotland and is calling for responses from children and young people.

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  • Public consultation on European Commission's Impact Assessment guidelines

    Date: 5th August 2014
    Category: Child rights impact assessments

    The European Commission is revising its Impact Assessment guidelines and is seeking stakeholders' views on the draft revised guidelines, to continue its strengthening and improvement.

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  • Child performance consultation responses published

    Date: 1st August 2014
    Category: Best interests of the child, Recreation, play and cultural activities

    Responses to the consultation on the national arrangements for child performance have now been published.

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  • Together statement on media coverage relating to assisted suicide

    Date: 31st July 2014
    Category: Awareness-raising

    Together has released a statement responding to distorted press reports regarding its response to the Scottish Parliament's call for views on the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill.

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  • Right to compensation for trafficked victims in the UK

    Date: 30th July 2014
    Category: Special protection measures

    The UK Supreme Court has ruled that trafficked people in the UK now have the right to recover damages from their traffickers irrespective of their immigration status, after intervention from Anti-Slavery International.

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  • Young Gypsy Travellers’ lives: discrimination and on-line media

    Date: 28th July 2014
    Category: Non-discrimination

    Article 12 has released a report detailing the findings of Year 3 of their annual media audit, indicating an increase in negative and victimised reporting of Gypsy/Travellers.

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  • Independent review of childcare workforce

    Date: 23rd July 2014
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Professor Iram Siraj is chairing an independent review of early learning and childcare and out of school care, and is seeking the views of individuals and organisations with an interest in this area.

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Viewing page 114 of 147 giving 2934 results