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  • It's time to BeXcellent

    Date: 27th September 2013
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    Children in Scotland is recruiting children and young people aged between 5-18 (or those who work with young people this age) to become part of a team to manage and develop the BeXcellent website.

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  • Play Strategy for Scotland

    Date: 25th September 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    An Equality Impact Assessment of the Play Strategy for Scotland was published on 10th September 2013, to consider the potential impacts across the protected characteristics.

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  • 'It Always Comes Down to Money': Disability Report published

    Date: 20th September 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    A new report about service provision to disabled children and young people, It Always Comes Down to Money, was launched at a conference organised by the Commissioner's office.

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  • Growing up in Scotland: The impact of disability on the lives of young children

    Date: 18th September 2013
    Category: Disabled children

    A new report presents an in-depth analysis of data from GUS to examine the circumstances and outcomes of children living with a disability in Scotland.

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  • 'Give us a Hand With Childcare' – 10 key messages from parents in Scotland

    Date: 17th September 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    A new report launched by Save the Children on 17th September 2013 highlights 10 childcare challenges that parents in Scotland believe are holding them and their children back.

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  • 2018 - Year of Young People

    Date: 17th September 2013

    First Minister Alex Salmond has announced a new programme of Focus Years to celebrate the best of Scotland and its people.

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  • Optional Protocol 3 of the UNCRC: Complaints mechanism update

    Date: 15th September 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Portugal and Montenegro have become the seventh and eight States to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a complaints procedure.

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  • UN Special Rapporteur says ‘bedroom tax’ should be suspended

    Date: 11th September 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The UN Special Rapporteur on housing expressed serious concern about deterioration in the enjoyment of the right to adequate housing in the United Kingdom.

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  • Children in Scotland dismiss ‘nanny state’ claims

    Date: 10th September 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Children in Scotland has expressed concern that new government legislation falls short of achieving its aspirations but has rejected claims the provisions for a named person would lead to a 'nanny state', and infringe on basic human rights.

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  • NCB: Child Poverty figures have not changed in 50 years

    Date: 10th September 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The National Children's Bureau has released a new report showing that far from improving over time, the situation of inequality and disadvantage of children and families in the UK today appears to be no better than it was nearly five decades ago.

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  • Flushed with success? Toilets campaign launched

    Date: 10th September 2013
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People launched a new campaign, 'Flushed With Success? Setting the Standards for Scotland's school toilets' on 5th September 2013, calling for better standards for school toilets at national, local and school level.

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  • Can you help children out of a dark place?

    Date: 9th September 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    A nationwide search is underway for 500 people to volunteer for Scotland's children's panel, to help neglected, troubled and abused children and young people living in Scotland.

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  • Annual Report for the Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland 2013

    Date: 6th September 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The second annual report on the progress of the Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland has been published.

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  • BIHR delivers 60th Anniversary Card for the ECHR

    Date: 3rd September 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Together has joined members of the public, organisations representing countless people across the UK, elected officials, parliamentarians, judges and others to sign an Anniversary Card for the European Convention on Human Rights, on 60 years of it coming into force.

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  • SCRA Partner’s Survey 2013

    Date: 1st September 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Do you work with the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA)? If you do, SCRA would like to get your views on how it engages with you and delivers its service. It is carrying out surveys of partner organisations and Children's Panel Members.

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  • Optional Protocol 3: questionnaire for children and young people

    Date: 1st September 2013
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    As part of their work on the third Optional Protocol to the CRC on a communications procedure (OP3 CRC), Child Rights Connect are preparing a questionnaire for children to give their views on the provisions which the Committee on the Rights of the Child should make.

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  • Survey on the participation of children with intellectual disabilities

    Date: 1st September 2013
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Inclusion Europe and Eurochild are working together on "Hear our Voices", a project to make sure that children with intellectual disabilities can take part in schools and free time activities just like other children, and are looking for good examples of how we can help children with intellectual disabilities take part in society.

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  • Publication of 2013 DAPHNE III call for action grants

    Date: 1st September 2013

    The call for proposals for action grants under the DAPHNE III programme 2013 is now open for submission, with a deadline of 30th October 2013.

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  • Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants extended to Scotland

    Date: 1st September 2013

    The Expert Panel of the Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants are pleased to say that this fund, which offers grants of up to £30,000 for strategic litigation, has now been extended to Scotland.

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  • Joint statement on the 2014 UN General Assembly resolution on the rights of the child

    Date: 1st September 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, General measures of implementation

    Eurochild is amongst more than 37 international and national organisations and networks that have endorsed the joint statement calling for a focus on strengthening family care and providing appropriate alternative care for children, in the 2014 United Nations General Assembly resolution on the rights of the child.

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