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  • Together joins calls to double Scottish Child Payment

    Date: 20th August 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    As part of the End Child Poverty coalition in Scotland, Together joins 120 organisations and leaders from across Scotland to call for doubling the Scottish Child Payment. This is the single most impactful action that could be taken to help meet the interim child poverty targets in 2023. It would signal that ending child poverty is a defining priority for this Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament.

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  • Together supports calls to #KeepTheLifeline

    Date: 20th August 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    The UK Government plans to cut universal credit and working tax credit by £20 a week in October. This is a lifeline many children and families need to have and without it, it will leave their right to food, shelter and health at risk.  Together joins organisations to #KeepTheLifeline, urging UK Government to change its mind.

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  • What do children and young people think as lockdown eases?

    Date: 20th August 2021
    Category: COVID-19

    The latest round of the #LockdownLowdown survey reveals what children and young people aged 11 to 25 feel about the impact of COVID-19 on their mental and physical health, access to information, employment, relationships, primary, secondary and further education and youth work.

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  • Scottish Government’s Volunteering Support Fund is now open for applications

    Date: 20th August 2021
    Category: Funding

    The £3.3 million Fund will be delivered by Impact Funding Partners over the next 3 years. Organisations can apply for up to £30,000 until March 2024.

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  • Young consultants create manifesto for post-COVID recovery

    Date: 20th August 2021
    Category: COVID-19

    A new report published by APIC, supported by CYPCS, ‘#ScotYouthandCOVID2: Children and Young People’s Participation through Crisis’, provides a picture of the struggles faced by Scotland’s young people throughout the pandemic, highlighting the monotony of blended learning and online life amongst other struggles.

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  • The right to sibling contact is now part of the Scots law!

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: Family reunification, General measures of implementation, Best interests of the child, Policies & procedures

    From 26th July 2021, the law has changed on what councils and the Children’s Hearings System must do to help siblings.

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  • Parliamentarians say £20 a week increase in Universal Credit should be permanent

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: Child poverty, Social security

    Chairs of four welfare committees from around the UK say removing the temporary top-up would affect families on the lowest incomes and therefore, the measure which is planned to end in October should remain.

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  • UK Labour commits to UNCRC incorporation

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: General measures of implementation, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    David Lammy MP, Shadow Lord Chancellor and Shadow Secretary of State for Justice, has announced that a Labour government would adopt several new policies on strengthening human rights, including the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into UK law.

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  • New data shows children and young people’s mental health referrals have doubled after lockdowns

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: Mental health, Health and health services

    NHS England has published new data that shows that referral cases for children and young people for mental health services have hit a record high as they doubled throughout the pandemic.

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  • Council Conclusions on EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Council of the European Union is expected to adopt the European Council Conclusions on the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child.

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  • End Conversion Therapy Petition

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    This petition calls on the Scottish Parliament to urge Scottish Government to ban the provision or promotion of LGBT+ conversion therapy in Scotland.

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  • Scotland's public finances in 2022-23 and the impact of Covid

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: COVID-19

    The Finance and Public Administration Committee would like to hear your views on Scotland’s public finances in 2022-23 and how they have been affected by COVID-19, as part of its pre-budget scrutiny. As part of the consultation, the Committee wants to hear how the Scottish Government’s Budget for 2022-23 should address the impact of the pandemic across different age, income and education groups across Scotland.

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  • How can we provide the best support to people affected by crime?

    Date: 30th July 2021

    A new survey asks for views about how Police Scotland can best support survivors and witnesses of crime when it comes to providing immediate support and information. Survey findings will be used to inform development and shape Police Scotland services.

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  • Together responds to consultations on child contact services and child welfare reporters

    Date: 30th July 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Both consultations asked for views on changes that will happen as part of implementing the Children (Scotland) Act 2020.  

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  • UK Supreme Court considers Scottish Children’s Rights Bill

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Incorporation

    On 28-29th June, UK Supreme Court judges heard from the Scottish, Welsh and UK governments to inform their decision on whether the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill is within the powers of Scottish Parliament. Together has created a round-up from the two-day hearing to help keep you informed!

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  • Together calls for the end of child recruitment into the armed forces

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Armed conflict

    We have joined with 19 other children’s and human rights organisations to write to the UK Government, calling for an end to the recruitment of children by the UK armed forces.

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  • Together joins the Minority Ethnic Emerging Leaders Programme

    Date: 8th July 2021

    Applications are now open for the John Smith Centre Minority Ethnic Emerging Leaders Programme. The programme is a professional and personal development opportunity for up to 50 minority ethnic people between the ages of 18-29 across Scotland. Together is delighted to be one of the host employers.

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  • Adoption UK publishes third adoption barometer report

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The report 2021 calls for a six-point plan to improve the life chances of adopted young people. Now in its third year, the barometer is the only comprehensive assessment of the lives of adoptive families across the UK, as well as the policies that govern adoption.

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  • An update on Scotland’s second National Action Plan for Human Rights

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The first step to establish a fully independent SNAP 2 Secretariat is underway. The Secretariat will support ongoing development, implementation and monitoring of SNAP 2. Recruitment for a SNAP Secretariat Lead for an initial period of nine months is now open and a SNAP 2 Leadership Panel will be established in autumn 2021.

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  • Share how you deliver youth services to ethnic Gypsy, Traveller and Roma young people!

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

    Youth services are invited to take part in a survey to share how their organisation is delivering youth provision to ethnic Gypsy, Traveller and Roma young people. Your feedback will help to inform how Youth Foundations Future can maximise its support for young people to fulfil their full potential in education, employment and training.  

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