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  • Children’s Commissioner submits report to United Nations on rights of care-experienced children

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS) has submitted a report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child ahead of 2021’s Day of General Discussion on Alternative Care. The submission focuses on the challenges to human rights faced by care-experienced children and young people and those at risk of entering care in Scotland.

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  • School pupils achieve mental health first aid qualification

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Mental health

    The training was created by St Andrew’s First Aid, Scotland’s only dedicated first aid charity. The programme has been specifically designed to equip young people with the ability to spot signs of mental health issues in family and friends and enable them to reach out and provide vital support.

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  • Children and young people call for reunion rights and safe passage routes

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    The Scottish Youth Parliament has responded to UK Government’s consultation on the ‘New Plan for Immigration.’ The response is based on relevant SYP policy, findings from SYP’s 2021-26 manifesto research, and consultation with SYP’s External Affairs, UK & International Committee and Equality & Human Rights Committee.

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  • Call for children’s views and experiences of care

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    By hearing the voices of care experienced children and young people, local authorities can inform their service provision and make changes where children and young people say it is needed. Care experienced children and young people are asked to take part in two surveys to share their views: ‘Your Life, Your Care’, and ‘Your Life Beyond Care’. Both surveys are part of the ‘Bright Spots’ programme.

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  • ‘Twisted Toys’ campaign highlights harms children face online

    Date: 8th July 2021

    The new campaign asks people to imagine a scenario where all the harmful features of the digital world are also present in traditional toys. It uses a range of imaginary ‘Twisted Toys’ – including a ‘Share Bear’ and ‘Stalkie Talkie’ – to  illustrate that the digital space often does not have the same safety standards for children as their real-world toys do.

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  • United Nations makes commitment to promote children’s right to a healthy environment

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Heads of the United Nations have jointly committed to stepping up their action to promote the right children, youth and future generations have to a healthy environment and the importance of meaningful participation in decision-making at all levels.

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  • European Child Guarantee is adopted

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) unanimously adopted the European Commission’s proposal for a European Child Guarantee. The Guarantee aims to prevent and combat child poverty and social exclusion, and to foster equal opportunities for children and young people in need.

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  • Call for children’s submissions on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

    The draft report was created pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 33/25. Children and young people will have an opportunity to share their feedback at their regional meetings on the following times:

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  • Young people call on UK Government to enhance protections for  unaccompanied refugees

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    Twenty-six young people with experience of migration and the asylum systems are calling on UK Government for a better future for young refugees and asylum seekers. Through a series of group workshops and discussions, they have agreed a list of eight recommendations for policy changes to ensure that people fleeing war and persecution can access safe routes to sanctuary.

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  • Scottish Government publishes child poverty progress report

    Date: 8th July 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    Scottish Government published its third annual progress report for its ‘Every child, every chance: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022’. It also includes information on what additional support has been introduced in the past year to support and protect people and communities, and what Scottish Government plans to do next year.

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  • New schools COVID-19 assessment model

    Date: 21st June 2021
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Education, including vocational education

    Formal school exams have been cancelled for the second year in a row due to the pandemic, and with schools struggling with the replacement system of “teacher judgement” assessments, SQA have launched a new appeals service where students can appeal their results.

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  • Help shape Together's State of Children’s Rights Report 2021!

    Date: 21st June 2021

    Each year, with your help we produce a State of Children’s Rights Report. These reports monitor Scotland’s progress in implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and wider international human rights treaties.  We’re asking for your help once again!

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  • Too expensive transport for many families

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    Anti-poverty campaigners are calling for action to make Scotland’s transport system more affordable. These calls come after a report found Scotland’s transport system is too often pushing parents, carers and children from low-income families further into poverty.

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  • Young people feel their mental health struggles are dismissed by adults

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: Mental health

    A survey of 1000 young people found that two thirds think young people are dismissed by adults when they try to speak about their mental health. The impact of this can be profound given 72% said they have struggled with their mental health.

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  • Commissioner’s investigation finds at-risk children may have been detained unlawfully

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: Restraint

    The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland has published a report following an investigation of local authorities’ practices around secure accommodation.  The Commissioner found children may have been deprived of their liberty without due process of law when being placed in secure accommodation.

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  • Campaign for every mother and baby to have their rights to safe, suitable accommodation fulfilled

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Earlier this year, more than 20 expectant and new mothers seeking asylum were moved from settled accommodation into cramped bedsits at a new mother and baby unit in Glasgow. The #FreedomToCrawl campaign launched to highlight that asylum-seekers are no exception to the right every mother and baby has to safe, suitable accommodation.

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  • Concerns about the increased use of remand amongst children

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: Child justice system

    When a person accused of an offence first appears in court, the judge decides whether they will be released on bail or remanded into custody. For many people, being remanded into custody is their first experience of prison.

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  • Discover Scottish Youth Parliament’s new manifesto web hub

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: General principles

    The web hub details what changes young people wish to see over the next five years as part of SYP’s ‘From Scotland’s Young People’ Manifesto.

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  • Scottish Government launches new youth justice strategy

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: Child justice system

    This strategy looks at how Scotland can: meet the UNCRC obligations, provide information and support is provided for victims, use trauma informed approaches, extend the child hearing system for all 16- and 17-year-olds and work towards having no child in a Young Offenders Institution where possible and appropriate.

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  • Academic warns domestic abuse is often ignored in child contact disputes

    Date: 18th June 2021
    Category: Equal protection from violence

    Despite legal requirements to consider domestic abuse in child contact decisions, research reveals victims are sometimes told by solicitors not to disclose domestic abuse in child contact disputes.

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