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  • COVID-19 Book Club explores impact of pandemic on young people

    Date: 27th October 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Six young people aged 16-25 and RCPCH staff formed the COVID-19 Book Club. The club has been meeting for an hour each week to identify key themes from studies looking at young people’s experiences during the pandemic. In turn, these key themes intend to be used to inform NHS recovery and winter planning. 

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  • Surge in number of UK children applying for free school meals

    Date: 27th October 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    Released as part of the joint #EndChildFoodPoverty campaign with Marcus Rashford, new survey data has revealed the equivalent of 2.2 million children aged eight to 17 are registered for free school meals across the UK. It is estimated 42% of these children (900,000) are newly registered.  

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  • Mexican Congress unanimously declares that immigration detention is no place for children

    Date: 27th October 2020
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    Following more than a decade of multi-level advocacy, and collaboration between civil society organisations, international partners, government authorities, and communities, all 389 members of the Mexican Congress declared to end the immigration detention of children.

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  • Consultation on the revised National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland

    Date: 27th October 2020
    Category: Equal protection from violence

    Closing date: 31st January 2021

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  • How Coronavirus has affected equality and human rights

    Date: 27th October 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    This report highlights potential long-term risks to equality and human rights in light of COVID-19, covering key issues in the areas of work, poverty, education, social care, justice and personal security. It provides a snapshot of the emerging cost of COVID-19 in particular for young people, older people and ethnic minorities.

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  • Together publishes response on UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 27th October 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    Together has submitted its response to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee’s call for views. The new Bill moves us a step closer towards ensuring all children’s human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled across Scotland.

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  • Report uncovers the financial pressures caused by COVID-19

    Date: 27th October 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    In March 2020, Action for Children launched its Coronavirus Emergency Fund in response to the increasing financial pressures felt by families, children and young people. The report uses evidence from Emergency Fund applications and a survey of frontline service staff to form recommendations to both the UK and devolved governments on what action is required to support families’ financial situation and to reduce child poverty rates.

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  • Young people invited to join Lockdown Lowdown focus group

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    YouthLink Scotland is supporting Scottish Youth Parliament to run a series of focus groups, alongside the Lockdown Lowdown survey. The focus groups will explore in detail the issues currently affecting young people and findings will be used to inform Scottish Government about how COVID-19 is impacting the lives of young people.

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  • COVID-19 impacting Scotland’s poorest families the most

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    Includem asked young people and families about their experiences of meeting day-to-day costs and what impact COVID-19 has had on them. Two thirds of respondents reliant on social security reported they were in a worse financial position now than before the pandemic and half said their debt was greater.

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  • How is COVID-19 affecting young children?

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Public Health Scotland developed the COVID-19 Early Years Resilience and Impact Survey to find out about the experience and impact of COVID-19 on children aged two to seven years old in Scotland. Over 11,000 parents and carers from all over Scotland responded.

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  • Broken Plate report analyses the state of the UK’s food system

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Ten metrics have been used to provide a holistic picture of the UK’s food system, encompassing the food environment, drivers of food choice and the impact of the current food system on our health and the environment.

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  • Supporting children and families beyond COVID-19

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Child poverty, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    COVID-19 is a global health crisis with significant economic and social costs. This paper seeks to further the understanding of what this crisis means for children and their families in Southern and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

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  • New EU Roma strategic framework

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Non-discrimination

    It is estimated that six million Roma live in the EU, many of whom face prejudice and social exclusion. A new EU Roma strategic framework sets out targets for 2030 to promote equality, socio-economic inclusion and meaningful participation of Roma people.

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  • Countries placing human rights at risk by delaying UN membership payments

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Child Rights Connect is calling upon governments to pay their UN membership contributions in full. Currently only 122 out of 193 member states have made payment in full. Delays to payments inhibit human rights mechanisms from carrying out their fundamental functions, which is even more vital in the midst of the global human rights crisis exacerbated by COVID-19.

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  • Number of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children more than doubles

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    The number of unaccompanied children seeking refugee protection in Scotland more than doubled between 2018 and 2019, figures from the Scottish Guardianship Service show. Last year the service helped 165 children, up from 81 who arrived in 2018.

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  • Children’s views sought on UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    The Equalities and Human Rights Committee has launched a child friendly version of the consultation on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill. The children’s version is accompanied by resources and information, including a facilitator pack to help adults planning engagement activities with children around the Bill.

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  • More incorporation blogs added to our webpage

    Date: 12th October 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    Clare Simpson from Parenting Across Scotland writes about UNCRC incorporation and the work of the Care Review offering the scaffolding for change for Scottish families. Dr Kasey McCall-Smith, who serves on the Expert Advisory Group on UNCRC incorporation highlights some of the key features of the UNCRC Incorporation Bill that will push for a better future for children in Scotland.

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  • Together and partners urge UN Treaty Bodies to keep up with reviews during COVID-19

    Date: 9th October 2020
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    A total of 523 NGOs signed a joint letter to show support to the Treaty Bodies, express concerns at current delays and highlight the importance of Treaty Bodies performing their monitoring functions given the human rights impact of COVID-19.

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  • Update on Scotland’s second National Action Plan for Human Rights

    Date: 9th October 2020
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    Scotland’s first National Action Plan for Human Rights (SNAP) set out an ambitious roadmap towards a Scotland where everyone can live with human dignity. Scotland’s second National Action Plan for Human Rights (SNAP 2) seeks to further realise this aim.

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  • Launch of digital child protection campaign

    Date: 9th October 2020
    Category: Equal protection from violence

    The Scotland-wide campaign urges everyone to be alert to signs of children who may have experienced trauma, neglect, or abuse during lockdown. It encourages people to act if they are concerned that something is wrong.

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