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  • COVID in colour: the experiences of young Black and People of Colour Scots during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Date: 9th October 2020
    Category: UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Non-discrimination

    Twelve young Anti-Racist and Pro-Black Ambassadors from Intercultural Youth Scotland led a consultation involving 63 young Black and People of Colour Scots aged 15 and over. The consultation’s aim was to shed light on young Black and People of Colour’s experiences, wellbeing, education, and perceived life opportunities arising from COVID-19.

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  • Report on poverty published

    Date: 9th October 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    This report looks at poverty in Scotland before and during the coronavirus outbreak. It highlights the importance of work, social security and housing costs in solving poverty in Scotland, as well as the extent to which COVID-19 has swept more people in poverty.

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  • New standards for secure care launched

    Date: 9th October 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Scotland’s first national standards for secure care set out what support children and young people should expect when in, or on the edges of, secure care.

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  • Together publishes draft response on UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 8th October 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    The draft response draws on the views and experience of our members, children and young people to highlight positive aspects of the Bill and where it could be further strengthened. In publishing our draft response early, we hope it will support our members in preparing their own responses.

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  • 2019 ROCK Conference report now available

    Date: 25th September 2020
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The report from the 2019 Rights of the Child UK (ROCK) Conference is now available online. 

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  • Together’s AGM 2020 - welcome to our new trustees!

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Policies & procedures

    Thank you to all who attended Together’s AGM on 17th September and to those who stood for election. Together is delighted to welcome four new trustees to the Board.

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  • Blog series answers incorporation questions

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: General measures of implementation, Incorporation

    Academics, practitioners and children’s organisations have produced a series of blogs which answer questions related to incorporation and the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill. Questions addressed include: Does incorporation matter? What will incorporation mean for children and young people? What will incorporation do for youth workers?

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  • Number of children in temporary accommodation increases

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    Scottish Government’s annual homelessness statistics show 31’333 households were assessed as homeless or threatened with homelessness in 2019-20. This is a 4% increase on 2018-19, with 15’711 children affected.

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  • Demand for emergency food parcels by families increases

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    The latest figures from independent food banks across Scotland show they distributed more than twice as many parcels during June-July 2020 than in June-July 2019.

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  • Open letter calls on MSPs to ban mosquito devices

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Freedom of association and peaceful assembly

    Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament and their supporters have written to Scotland’s 129 MSPs, calling for a ban on mosquito devices stating that their use violates their rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

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  • ‘How are you doing?’ - September survey is open

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    Children’s Parliament has launched the latest instalment in a series of monthly surveys tracking eight to 14-year-olds’ feelings and experiences in light of COVID-19.  

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  • Children’s Hearings Scotland’s seeks care experienced young people to shape recruitment campaign

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, Respect for the views of the child

    The young people will help to inform a series of images for Children’s Hearings Scotland’s Panel Member recruitment campaign.

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  • UK Government must urgently consider the human rights impact of COVID-19 measures says Joint Committee

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, General measures of implementation, General principles

    Following a consultation, the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights has published a report on the impact of the response to COVID-19.

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  • Low-income parents relying on child benefit for household basics

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    A recent survey has showed an increase in the number of parents relying on child benefit to cover utility bills and other household costs. Thirty-seven percent said they would not manage without the payment.

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  • Two in five working mothers are struggling to find childcare in light of COVID-19

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Social security

    As children return to schools, a TUC survey of working mothers shows many either can’t or are unsure if they will get the childcare they need.

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  • Good Childhood Report 2020

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Respect for the views of the child, Best interests of the child, Right to life, survival and development

    The Children’s Society’s annual Good Childhood Report outlines key trends in children’s wellbeing and seeks to understand their experiences and highlight their views. The most recent edition follows a survey of 2000 children aged 10-17 between April and June 2020.

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  • Only a third of parents would send their deaf child to school if face masks were made mandatory

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Disabled children

    A survey of 800 parents of deaf children has revealed only 36% would be likely to send their child to school if teachers were compelled to wear face masks. A further one in five (19%) said they were uncertain about what they would do.

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  • New study on National Human Rights Institutions: challenges, promising practices and opportunities

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) are critical for the protection and promotion of fundamental rights yet this report finds that their full potential is not always realised. It explores relevant developments, challenges and ways to maximise their impact.

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  • COVID-19 and its impact on child marriage

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Child poverty, Right to life, survival and development, Best interests of the child

    COVID-19 has caused delays to programmes aimed at ending child marriage and increased economic hardship. Together these factors are expected to lead to an estimated 13 million child marriages over the next 10 years, impacting girls’ rights to protection from abuse, health, an adequate standard of living and right to education.

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  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 22nd September 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    Closing date: 16th October 2020

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