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  • Together’s consultation response to the proposed Restraint and Seclusion (Prevention in Schools) (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: Equal protection from violence, Violence against children, Restraint, Protection from abuse or neglect

    Scottish Parliament recently held a consultation for a proposed Member’s Bill to ensure restraint and seclusion of children and young people in schools is only used as a last resort where there is an immediate risk of harm and using appropriate methods.

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  • UPDATE: UNCRC Bill enters reconsideration stage

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill is being reconsidered by Scottish Parliament, with the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee taking the lead. So, what happens next?

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  • ‘Alright?’ An animation by Clan Childlaw

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: Access to appropriate information, Best interests of the child, Child justice system

    Clan Childlaw has released a powerful animation which reflects the legal needs of children and young people who are in conflict with the law. The story stems from conversations Clan has had with children and young people about their experiences with lawyers, calling for greater care, support and communication from adults in these practices.

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  • ‘What’s Your Take’ survey for children and young people

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    The Scottish Youth Parliament has launched its latest #WhatsYourTake consultation survey. This is a survey for young people aged 12-25, living in Scotland and is an opportunity for them to have their say on key issues. So, #WhatsYourTake on important matters such as human rights, transitions for young people with a disability, and democracy in our local communities?

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  • New briefing: Scottish Government needs to do #BetterforBabies

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: Child poverty

    Save the Children is calling on Scottish Government to do #BetterforBabies in a new briefing which shows that action is needed to reduce the 34% of babies under one living in poverty in Scotland. They are calling on organisations to support their calls to further protect babies from the harms of poverty.

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  • Fellowship applications OPEN on improving the lives of children and young people with experience of care!

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Applications for the Churchill Fellowship which focus on improving the lives and outcomes of children and young people with experience of care are now open! Read on to find out who can apply!

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  • Jade’s Law to be introduced for the better protection of children from violence

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: Special protection measures

    The UK Government has announced that the Victims and Prisoners Bill will be amended to further protect children from domestic abuse and violence. Jade’s Law will be introduced, named after a victim of domestic violence and her family who campaigned for greater protection of children and for their best interests to be always considered.

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  • New Council of Europe Recommendation aims to strengthen national reporting systems for professionals on violence against children

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: Violence against children

    The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers has taken a significant and proactive step in the fight against violence against children by adopting a new Recommendation aimed at improving reporting systems.

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  • Let’s Be Heard: Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry

    Date: 5th October 2023
    Category: COVID-19, Respect for the views of the child

    Closing date: 20th December 2023

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  • Joint report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    Date: 6th September 2023
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

    The SHRC is issuing a joint report with other national human rights institutions and equality bodies to inform the CRPD into the human rights of disabled people in the UK. Read on to find out how the situation has developed since the CRPD’s inquiry in 2016.

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  • Young people defend their right to a healthy environment

    Date: 6th September 2023
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Right to a healthy environment

    A judge in Montana in the United States has sided with young people in a historic climate trial, saying Montana is violating young people’s constitutional right to a clean environment by ignoring the climate effects of fossil fuels.

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  • UN Secretary-General (SG) Guidance Note on Child Rights Mainstreaming

    Date: 6th September 2023
    Category: Awareness-raising, General measures of implementation, General principles

    The UN Secretary-General (SG) Guidance Note on Child Rights Mainstreaming has been published. This is a historic first step in addressing the need for a systematic application of a child rights approach across the UN System.

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  • Child-friendly survey on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Date: 6th September 2023
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    As part of the campaign for the 75th anniversary of the UDHR, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations and together with the Children’s Advisory Team, have developed a survey for children to inform the vision of High Commissioner on the future of human rights.

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  • Consultation: Proposed Restraint and Seclusion (Prevention in Schools) (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 6th September 2023
    Category: Restraint, Harmful practices, Violence against children

    Deadline: 29th September 2023

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  • Survey - POP: Protection through online Participation

    Date: 6th September 2023
    Category: Violence against children

    The UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children is conducting a survey and seeking children and young people’s participation on how they use online platforms to be safer.

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  • Programme for Government 2023-24 launched

    Date: 5th September 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation, Policy and strategy

    The Scottish Government has published its official plans for 2023-24. Key themes include addressing poverty, childcare and education.

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  • Priorities to tackle child poverty

    Date: 5th September 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation

    CPAG has published a briefing outlining key policies the Scottish Government must prioritise to tackle child poverty. CPAG has called on Scottish Government to reflect these priorities in its Programme for Government 2023-24 and to allocate sufficient resources in the 2024-25 Budget.

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  • Scotland welcomes new Children’s Commissioner

    Date: 5th September 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Nicola Killean has started her new role as the Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland. Her first message is addressed to children and young people where she introduces herself and asks for their help to develop a new Strategic Plan to guide our work for 2024-2028.

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  • The importance of stories: reflections from the Children and Family Panel in-person day

    Date: 5th September 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation

    As part of the UNCRC Skills and Knowledge Framework project, the Children and Families Panel had an in-person meet-up in Stirling. Alyssa Faulkner, Project Worker on UNCRC Framework Project at Children’s Parliament, discusses how the children and adults participated in different activities on the day, allowing them to speak openly about their own personal stories and lived experiences to inform the UNCRC implementation project.

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  • Funded opportunities

    Date: 5th September 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation

    NHS Scotland is funding five places for a Postgraduate Diploma education programme for Infant Mental Health specialists. The course is targeted at practitioners within specialist services which hold the mental health and wellbeing of infants, children and their families at their core.

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Viewing page 7 of 148 giving 2942 results