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  • Research participation: children and young people’s thoughts and experiences of continuing care

    Date: 5th September 2023
    Category: Care Experienced children

    CELCIS is looking for children and young people with care experience aged 12-26 to share their thoughts, experiences, and views of Continuing Care, so that they can help to influence change and make things better for everyone.

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  • Register for 'It’s All Rights: The Human Rights Bill Consultation and Children’s Rights'

    Date: 23rd August 2023

    Join us online to learn more about why the consultation matters, how it relates to children's rights, and how you might want to respond.

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  • Call for nominations to Together’s Board of Trustees 2023

    Date: 18th August 2023

    Together is holding its next AGM on 20th September 2023 and are seeking to appoint three new Trustees to join the Board. We are particularly keen for applicants who meet with required competencies (see Trustee Role Description) alongside knowledge of the law, or experience in communications and marketing on a strategic level.

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  • Skills and Knowledge Framework website launch

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Together along with partners JRS Knowhow, Children’s Parliament, JustRight Scotland, and the Observatory on Human Rights of Children at Swansea University, have been working on a project funded by the Scottish Government, developing a Skills and Knowledge Framework and Training Plan for UNCRC Implementation in Scotland. This project aims to empower the public sector workforce to confidently use a child rights approach when upholding their statutory duties. They have just published the website where you can learn more about the project, the team and updates!

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  • Together’s Membership Spotlight: Children’s Health Scotland

    Date: 11th August 2023

    Our Membership Spotlight highlights the work of our member organisations and outlines how other individuals and NGOs can support them. This week we shine the light on Children’s Health Scotland. In this blogpost they tell us about their mission and information about their free Self-Management Skills (SMS) programme which is for children and young people aged 9 – 18 across Scotland living with a health condition or concern.

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  • New research to inform decisions around the reform of children’s services in Scotland

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Scottish Government has commissioned the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection (CELCIS) to conduct independent research to gather evidence to inform decision making about how best to deliver children’s services in Scotland. Findings will be used to inform the National Care Service and the future of children’s services and are due to be released in October. Read on to find the most recent Interim Report.

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  • Sign up here! Newsletter launch

    Date: 11th August 2023

    There is a new quarterly People Know How newsletter! Giving you an insight into their core services and the life-changing opportunities they provide to their service users.

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  • 'Right to Rest' campaign

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Young carers

    The ‘Right To Rest’ campaign is youth-led and aimed to support young carers to take a break when they need to. 

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  • Young people make documentaries for their communities

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: Children in armed forces families

    Forces Children Scotland delivered a documentary making workshop for young people from armed forces families. Check out the one-to-one interviews the young people conducted about life in a forces family intended for their communities!

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  • New report: ‘the socio-economic duty in action’

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), Policy and strategy

    Check out the new joint report by JustFair and the Greater Manchester Poverty Action on the ‘socio-economic duty in action’, to learn about different approaches taken by England and Wales to tackle socio-economic inequality.

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  • Global Launch of General Comment No.26

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: General Comments

    The General Comment No.26 on children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change is set to launch on 18th September 2023. See how you can get involved in the global lunch of #GC26 and find out more about the making of the General Comment by reading on.

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  • University of Strathclyde announced as a member of the global Justice Action Coalition

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: Child justice system, Special protection measures

    The University of Strathclyde has been announced as a member of the United Nations Justice Action Coalition, a partnership national governments, UN agencies and international organisations. This global coalition was established to champion equal access to justice worldwide, and to meet the distinctive rights and needs of children.

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  • Launch of child participation web-platform

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Civil Rights and Freedoms, General principles

    The Council of Europe has launched a child participation leadership platform as part of its joint project - “CP4Europe - Strengthening National Child Participation Frameworks and Action in Europe”. The web platform provides different resources, guidelines and assessment tools for professionals working with children.

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  • Children’s Services Reform Research Study - workforce survey

    Date: 11th August 2023
    Category: Training, General measures of implementation

    This survey is being conducted for the Children’s Services Reform Research study to inform decision making for the improvement of the delivery of children services in Scotland. This survey is for anyone working in social work, education, youth justice, police, health (including the NHS) and third sector services in Scotland, and asks for your valuable experiences and insights into your work with children.

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  • Together’s ‘Lunch and Learns’: children’s rights best practice

    Date: 17th July 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    Join Juliet Harris, Director of Together, for a series of hour-long ‘Lunch and Learns’ in August to learn about children’s rights best practice!

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  • Support the Together team in the Kiltwalk!

    Date: 17th July 2023

    On 17th September 2023, Together colleagues will put their best foot forward and partake in the Kiltwalk’s Big Stroll of 14.7miles from Musselburgh to Murrayfield. for Together and our mission that all children and young people growing up in Scotland have their human rights respected, protected, and fulfilled. 

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  • Update on UNCRC Bill: young people share their views

    Date: 17th July 2023
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    The recent Ministerial update on the UNCRC Incorporation (Scotland) Bill revealed that it will not stretch to Acts of the UK Parliament. The Bill is expected to return to the Scottish Parliaments soon after the summer recess. Read on to find out what young people have said about the Cabinet Secretary’s announcement.

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  • Reflecting on alcohol awareness week

    Date: 17th July 2023
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Health and health services

    July began with Alcohol Awareness week and Alcohol Focus Scotland’s #InYourFace campaign showed the powerful impact that alcohol marketing has on children. You can still check out loads of great resources and hear what children and young people have to say about alcohol advertising in Scotland.

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  • SYP Elections 2023

    Date: 17th July 2023
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation

    Applications are now open for young people aged 14-25 to stand as a candidate in this year's SYP elections.

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  • Migration Bill: Lords reinsert child detention limits

    Date: 17th July 2023
    Category: Special protection measures, Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    BBC has reported the the House of Lords has rejected an attempt by the UK Government to extend the amount of time children can be detained in its migration bill.

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Viewing page 8 of 148 giving 2942 results