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  • The Year of Young People 2018!

    Date: 10th September 2015
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    To start the journey towards Scotland's Year of Young People in 2018 which will celebrate Scotland's children and young people locally, nationally and globally, preparations are taking place and are being led by young people.

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  • Update: Stage 2 of Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 10th September 2015
    Category: Age of criminal responsibility, Children of prisoners

    During Stage 2 considerations of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill, the Justice Committee backed law change for children impacted by a parent in prison but rejected an amendment to raise the age of criminal responsibility from eight to 12.

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  • #TellTheUN – Together’s new blog post by Jordan Linden MSYP

    Date: 1st September 2015
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Awareness-raising

    Jordan Linden is the recently elected Chair for the Scottish Youth Parliament. In this new blog post for Together, he outlines why and how children and young people can #TelltheUN through Twitter about their experiences of living and growing up in Scotland. In doing so, Ms. Amal Aldoseri, a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, can see exactly where children's rights are and are not being fulfilled in Scotland.

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  • Together’s Development Survey!

    Date: 1st September 2015

    Together is conducting research to inform the development of a potential new training programme on children's rights, especially relating to the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

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  • UK Play Industry’s #nowhere2play Campaign

    Date: 1st September 2015
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities

    This campaign looks into the state of playgrounds and areas for children to play and calls on parents and carers across the UK to share their views on the state of local play facilities, their concerns about where their children will play in future and the role of government in protecting children's right to play.

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  • Blog: Monitoring the civil & political rights of children

    Date: 19th August 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    Diego Quiroz (SHRC) outlines recent UN International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights (ICCPR) recommendations relating to children & next steps for advancement.

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  • #TellTheUN about your rights in Scotland

    Date: 18th August 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Are you a child or young person living in Scotland? The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child wants to hear your views about your rights & growing up in Scotland.

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  • Life in Scotland – Have YOUR Say!

    Date: 18th August 2015
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    A special Glow TV event will be taking place on 3rd September, as UN Committee member Amal Aldoseri visits Scotland to find out more about children's rights in Scotland. What do the children you teach think about life in Scotland?

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  • Report on the coordination and cooperation of integrated child protection systems

    Date: 18th August 2015
    Category: Protection from abuse or neglect, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The 9th European Forum on the Rights of the Child took place in June 2015 and aimed to foster the exchange of good practices, to facilitate connections at inter-sectoral and inter-agency level (both nationally and transnationally), and to promote more effective cooperation and coordination in integrated child protection systems. A report of the Forum is now available.

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  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

    Date: 12th August 2015
    Category: Child justice system, Age of criminal responsibility

    This consultation paper sets out specific proposals to reform the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 to allow more people with previous criminal activity to be able to move away from their past offending behaviour and to reduce the length of time most people will have to disclose their previous criminal activity.

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  • UN Human Rights Committee recommends repeal of ‘justifiable assault’ defence

    Date: 4th August 2015
    Category: Equal protection from violence, Age of criminal responsibility

    The UN Human Rights Committee has published its recommendations (Concluding Observations) to the UK on its implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which include equal protection from assault and raising the age of criminal responsibility.

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  • Lack of awareness of UNCRC amongst minority ethnic children, says roshni

    Date: 21st July 2015
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Non-discrimination, Awareness-raising

    Findings from a research project seeking the views of minority ethnic children and young people have been published in a Children's Rights Report, which contains a number of recommendations including for more work to be done to raise awareness and understanding of the UNCRC and the Children's Commissioner.

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  • CYP Act Guidance needs to give more prominence to child rights

    Date: 21st July 2015
    Category: General principles, General measures of implementation

    Government analysis of responses to draft Statutory Guidance for the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act refers to the need for a rights-based approach.

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  • Concern over small percentage of mental health budget spent on children

    Date: 21st July 2015
    Category: Mental health, Health and health services

    Findings that only 0.45% of NHS Scotland expenditure on mental health in 2013-14 was on child and adolescent health has raised concern & a call for rebalance.

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  • Lead the Way: the Scottish Youth Parliament's manifesto consultation 2016-2021

    Date: 21st July 2015
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    The Scottish Youth Parliament has launched a consultation entitled 'Lead the Way' which seeks to gather the views of thousands of young people across Scotland to develop a 2016 - 2021 Youth Manifesto.

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  • Consultation on the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

    Date: 21st July 2015
    Category: Parental responsibilities, Parental guidance, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    This consultation seeks views on a range of actions in relation to the development of a Strategy focused on pregnancy and parenthood amongst young people.

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  • Scotland, the Sewel Convention and the Human Rights Act

    Date: 17th July 2015
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    A new blog article explores human rights protections in law in Scotland in the context of devolution, specifically focusing on Scotland's relationship with the Human Rights Act and the Sewel Convention.

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  • Members of UK Joint Committee on Human Rights formally appointed members

    Date: 16th July 2015
    Category: Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The Joint Committee on Human Rights which examines matters relating to human rights within the UK has formally appointed members from the House of Lords and is awaiting members from the House of Commons.

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  • Article 12 in Scotland submits two reports to the UN Committee

    Date: 7th July 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Article 12 in Scotland has submitted two non-government reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, outlining young people's views on the state of children's rights in Scotland.

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  • The Commissioner’s new powers explained

    Date: 7th July 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation

    From April 2016, the Commissioner will have the power to investigate potential rights violations of individual children and young people. SCCYP has discussed how this will work in practice.

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Viewing page 107 of 147 giving 2924 results