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  • What young people think…and why it’s important to us

    Date: 26th May 2015
    Category: Adoption, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The Throughcare and Aftercare Trust has published the results of a recent survey of young people in care which highlights how positively young people in TACT placements feel about the care they receive.

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  • Young Scot’s new digital information platform

    Date: 26th May 2015
    Category: General principles

    Last week saw the launch of Young Scot's new digital information platform.

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  • Realising Ambition: Community Initiative Impact Report

    Date: 26th May 2015
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    Children's Parliament has been part of a 3-year UK-wide programme replicating evidence-based work to reduce the likelihood of young people offending.

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  • £100m investment for mental health

    Date: 24th May 2015
    Category: Mental health, Health and health services

    The Scottish Government have announced that it will be increasing investment to tackle the issue of child and adolescent mental health services in Scotland. This new fund will be largely devoted to the CAMHS waiting list and psychological services, over the next 5 years.

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  • Clan Childlaw Intervene in Judicial Review proceedings

    Date: 11th May 2015
    Category: Protection of privacy

    Clan Childlaw, a charity that gives legal help to children and young people in Scotland has applied to intervene to assist the court in the ongoing judicial review proceedings regarding the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

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  • Together briefing on draft statutory guidance for Children & Young People (Scotland) Act

    Date: 8th May 2015
    Category: Awareness-raising

    Together produced a child rights briefing for the consultation on draft Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 and 18 (Section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, and used this to inform a response to the consultation.

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  • UN Committee report on digital media and children's rights

    Date: 8th May 2015
    Category: Awareness-raising

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has published a report of the 2014 Day of General Discussion on Digital Media and Children's Rights, which includes specific recommendations.

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  • South Sudan ratifies UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Date: 8th May 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has welcomed South Sudan's ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and repeated its call for universal ratification of the Convention.

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  • Building an economic case for a child-friendly justice

    Date: 8th May 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Eurochild has published a report which includes recommendations to build an economic case for child-friendly justice, including special emphasis on allocating sufficient budgets for data collection and sharing, cross-sectorial work and capacity building for professionals.

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  • National Children’s Day UK!

    Date: 8th May 2015
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities

    Sunday 17th May 2015 will be National Children's Day UK: a day to celebrate children's rights! This year, celebrations will focus on the importance of play and playfulness to the health and wellbeing of both children and adults.

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  • Together responds to consultation on Support for Children (Impact of Parental Imprisonment) Bill

    Date: 7th May 2015
    Category: Children of prisoners

    Together has submitted written evidence to a consultation put forward by Mary Fee MSP on a proposed Support for Children (Impact of Parental Imprisonment) Bill.

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  • European Youth Work Declaration Provides Vision for Youth Work

    Date: 30th April 2015
    Category: General principles

    As a result of the European Youth Work Convention which took place in Brussels from 27th - 30th April, a Declaration of the 2nd European Youth Work Convention has been published which aligns with the national Youth Work Strategy launched by Education Scotland and Youthlink Scotland in 2014.

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  • Put children at the heart of policy making, say children’s organisations

    Date: 23rd April 2015
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    A network of over 130 child rights organisations, including Together, has raised concern over the growing divide between commitments made to realise children's rights and the inaction of EU institutions.

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  • Stop and Search Review: new advisory group

    Date: 14th April 2015
    Category: Freedom of association and peaceful assembly

    A new independent advisory group chaired by prominent solicitor advocate John Scott QC, is to be established to examine the use of stop and search powers in Scotland.

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  • First year anniversary of Optional Protocol 3 to the UNCRC

    Date: 14th April 2015
    Category: Optional protocol on a communications procedure

    One year since the Communications Procedure came into force, Ratify OP3 CRC are calling for State Parties to ratify OP3 and improve access to justice for all children.

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  • Education (Scotland) Bill: call for written submissions

    Date: 14th April 2015

    The Scottish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee has launched a call for written submissions on the Scottish Government's Education (Scotland) Bill.

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  • Argentina ratifies Optional Protocol 3 to the UNCRC

    Date: 14th April 2015
    Category: Optional protocol on a communications procedure

    Argentina's ratification of the third Optional Protocol to the CRC on a communications procedure (OP3) means that there are now 17 State Parties to OP3.

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  • Growing Up in Scotland stakeholder impact survey 2015

    Date: 10th April 2015
    Category: Child rights indicators

    Growing Up in Scotland has been tracking and studying the lives of over 10,000 children and their families since 2005 and has launched a stakeholder survey to find out more about the impact of their research reports and events.

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  • WAR on hate crime: We’re All Responsible campaign

    Date: 7th April 2015
    Category: Non-discrimination

    Hate crime goes against the protection of human rights. Quarriers are asking people to sign-up to support their WAR on hate crime campaign, to help ensure that children and adults with disabilities live full, happy lives free from abuse.

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  • Human rights laws must go forwards, not back

    Date: 1st April 2015
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    As we approach the 2015 UK General Election, SHRC has called on all parties to commit to a progressive approach to realising human rights.

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