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  • CashBack for Communities Youth Work Fund

    Date: 23rd July 2012

    YouthLink Scotland, the national agency for youth work, is now welcoming applications for the latest round of the Scottish Government's CashBack for Communities Youth Work Fund.

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  • Young people speak up for their rights

    Date: 23rd July 2012
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, General measures of implementation

    On Saturday 7 July 2012, children and young people from across Britain travelled to London to have their say on the future protection of human rights in the UK at a special consultation day organised by the British Institute of Human Rights and the Rights of the Children Coalition UK (ROCK).

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  • Call for Submissions: General Comment on Child Rights and the Business Sector

    Date: 23rd July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Committee on the Rights of the Child is drafting a General Comment on Child Rights and the Business Sector.

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  • Consultation on 'Getting Our Priorities Right'

    Date: 20th July 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on 'Getting our Priorities Right'. The purpose of this Guidance is to provide an updated good practice framework for all child and adult service practitioners working with vulnerable children and families affected by problematic parental alcohol or drug use.

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  • New child protection website launched

    Date: 20th July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Scottish Government has launched a new national website with clear, accessible information on what the public should do if they are concerned for a child's welfare.

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  • Good practice examples needed around pregnancy and maternity services

    Date: 19th July 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The NHS Health Scotland Equality team is looking for good practice examples and case studies around pregnancy and maternity services to share on the Equality team website.

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  • Scottish charities call for smacking ban

    Date: 17th July 2012
    Category: Equal protection from violence, General measures of implementation

    A group of children's charities has called for a ban on smacking youngsters to be introduced to Scotland.

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  • Consultation on proposed updated standards for the Baby Friendly Initiative

    Date: 17th July 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    UNICEF UK has launched a consultation on proposed updated standards for the Baby Friendly Initiative.

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  • Commission on a Bill of Rights: A Second Consultation

    Date: 12th July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Commission's second consultation, published on 11 July 2012, seeks further views from the public.

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  • UNICEF UK in Wales

    Date: 4th July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    UNICEF UK ran a workshop on sustainable development at 'Taking the Rights Steps Children's Rights: Wales and the World', a major international conference that focused on the human rights of children and young people, and was held at Swansea University supported by the Welsh Government.

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  • A Scotland for Children: A Consultation on the Children and Young People Bill

    Date: 4th July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Children and Young People Bill sets out a range of proposals for taking forward the Scottish Government's ambitions for children's rights and services.

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  • European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights - Global Calls Now Open

    Date: 2nd July 2012

    The Global Calls for Proposal under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) are now open to submissions.

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  • Inquiry into Decision making on whether children should be taken into care

    Date: 2nd July 2012
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The Scottish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee are to examine the decisions made about when or if a child should be removed from the family home.

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  • State of Children's Rights Survey 2012

    Date: 25th June 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The survey is being conducted to find out to what extent children and young people are able to enjoy their rights as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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  • Why Scotland needs a National Action Plan for Human Rights

    Date: 25th June 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Scotland needs a National Action Plan for Human Rights. Over the past three years, the Scottish Human Rights Commission has researched the realisation of human rights in Scotland in comparison with international standards.

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  • Games Legacy Funds

    Date: 22nd June 2012

    Glasgow 2014 will be the biggest multi-sports event that Scotland has ever hosted and is already bringing significant opportunities and benefits for the people and communities of Glasgow and Scotland.

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  • New charity fund opens for bids

    Date: 21st June 2012

    Charities and social enterprises can bid for a share of £2.5 million to help young people find employment.

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  • New Chair for national community planning group

    Date: 18th June 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Former COSLA President Pat Watters is to chair a new national group which will oversee the ambitious development of community planning across Scotland - the process which brings together services provided by councils, the NHS, emergency services, and other public agencies.

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  • Think Differently - Young People and Alcohol - New Fund Launch Event - 25th June 2012

    Date: 11th June 2012

    The increasing rates of alcohol related harm within young people is a significant concern in Scotland and the rest of the UK. There is a requirement for innovative interventions that aim to move beyond the provision of general advice and support to young people, families and communities.

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  • Disney Friends for Change Grants

    Date: 11th June 2012

    Youth Scotland is delighted to be working in partnership with Youth Service America and Disney to offer 'Disney Friends for Change' grants to young people aged 5-18 years. These grants offer young people across the United Kingdom an opportunity to receive £750 to help make a lasting, positive change in the world.

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