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  • Membership Spotlight: Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance

    Date: 25th April 2023

    Membership Spotlight highlights the work of our member organisations and outlines how other individuals and NGOs can support them. In this blogpost we shine the light on Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) this Independent Advocacy Awareness Week. They have programmes available online for people to sign up to! Don’t miss out!

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  • Launch of the Scottish National Action Plan 2 (SNAP2)

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation

    Scotland’s Second National Action Plan for Human Rights (SNAP 2) was launched last month and Michael, a young person on the Leadership Panel for its development, shares his experiences as the youngest person in the room.

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  • New policy report on the Promise to infants and babies

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Special protection measures

    The NSPCC has just published a report on the Promise, identifying practical changes that can be made to bring the voice and needs of infants (age 0-3) to the forefront of Child Protection Orders and Children’s Hearing system referrals, a useful resource for local authorities, health and social care partnerships and other organisations working to improve early help and support for children and families.

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  • Survey for Children and Young People: Calling all young football players!

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    The Scottish FA wants to find out how things are going for young players, and who better to ask what it’s like to play the game than young people themselves?

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  • Plans to restrict alcohol advertising put on hold

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    First Minister Humza Yousaf confirmed the delay to limiting alcohol marketing in Parliament last week due to concerns being raised within the industry. This is just after the closing of a Scottish Government consultation on restricting alcohol advertising, to which children’s rights organisations, including Together, responded highlighting children and young people’s concerns around the impact of alcohol on their lives.

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  • Evaluation on the Bairns Hoose (Barnahus) model on its support for victims of violence

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Policies & procedures

    The North Strathclyde Bairns Hoose Evaluation Phase 1 Report of this three-year demonstration project has now been released, revealing a strong consensus on the need for change to improve treatment and the outcomes of child victims of violence and the potential of the Barnahus model to deliver this change.

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  • ‘Giving with One Hand, Taking Away with the Other’

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Child poverty

    In March, Aberlour hosted an event for Debt Awareness Week – ‘Giving with One Hand, Taking Away with the Other’ – to highlight the impact of public debt on low income families and the role it plays in trapping families in poverty. Read on to find highlights of the event including presentations and a shared experience of living with debt from a parent, Caroline.

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  • Updated report on the impact of persuasive design in the digital environment on children’s wellbeing

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Special protection measures

    Five years on from 5Rights’ initial report on the impact of persuasive design in the digital environment on children, there have been many regulatory and legislative advances in the tech industry yet no change in the exploitative nature of the relationship between tech and children. In this updated report, persuasive design features used in new products such as TikTok and BeReal, are examined in relation to their impact on childhood.

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  • High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism calls for a strategy to implement children’s rights

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: General principles

    The High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism (HLAB) calls for the prioritization of a clear guidance on mainstreaming children’s rights across the multilateral system after Child Rights Connect made a submission to their public consultation.

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  • Consultation on prescribing a minimum annual number of learning hours

    Date: 25th April 2023
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Closing date: 13th June 2023

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  • Membership Spotlight: Licketyspit

    Date: 28th March 2023

    We are shining the spotlight on our members Licketyspit and their amazing work including the launch of their Storyplay City project and new film about their Porridge and Play sessions!

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  • Together joins organisations to oppose the new Migration Bill

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    UK Government has introduced a new Migration Bill or, more fittingly known as, the “Refugee Ban Bill. If passed, it will have a deeply negative impact on the human rights of migrants, women, children and young people. Together has joined JustRight Scotland, Scottish Refugee Council and other civil society organisations to oppose the Bill.

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  • New children’s rights PhD opportunity – apply now!

    Date: 28th March 2023

    A robust framework for children’s rights monitoring is needed to help implement children’s rights across Scotland. This funded PhD opportunity will explore how such a framework can be developed to monitor the implementation of, and breaches to, children’s human rights across Scottish public bodies.

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  • Humza Yousaf elected as the new Scottish National Party leader

    Date: 28th March 2023

    After a close result, Humza Yousaf has been elected by his fellow party members as the new leader of the SNP, but what commitments has he made to children’s rights? Read on to find out!

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  • Children and young people are done with delays, and so are we!

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Incorporation

    It’s official, Scotland has hit the two-year anniversary of the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill being unanimously passed. Watch what children, young people and Together members have to say.

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  • Women and girls share their experiences on public transport and feeling safe

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Equal protection from violence, Non-discrimination

    In early 2022, the Minister for Transport announced that the Scottish Government would consult on the safety of women and girls when using public transport to create tailored solutions to the issues raised. This article explores the issues and recommendations made by women and girls.

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  • Encourage children and young people to have their say on voluntary care arrangements!

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Children and young people aged eight to 25 are invited to share their views to help CELCIS understand how voluntary care arrangements are used, understood and experienced.

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  • Research network on children’s human rights: mapping relevant research across Scotland

    Date: 28th March 2023

    Are you currently undertaking research on children’s human rights in Scotland? Let the Observatory know by filling out this survey to be included in this new Research Network on children’s human rights!

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  • UK Government responds to critical report on the 'Rights Removal Bill'

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    The UK Government wants to ‘overhaul’ the Human Rights Act 1998 by repealing and replacing it with a Bill of Rights. This will remove many of the protections set out in the Human Rights Act. The UK Government has now replied to a report by the Joint Committee on Human Rights which raised concerns. The UK Government has overwhelmingly disagreed with the recommendations made by the Committee.

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  • Exploring the continued impact of the cost of living crisis

    Date: 28th March 2023

    Two surveys recently conducted individually by StepChange and Barnardo’s highlight how financial insecurity poses huge human rights concerns for children, young people and adults across the UK. 

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Viewing page 10 of 148 giving 2942 results