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  • New report sharing the voices and experiences of young carers and young adult carers

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Young carers

    A total of 1,109 young carers and young adult carers from across the UK have shared their experiences of being a carer. The report reveals that many young carers and young adult carers feel that their role is becoming more intense in terms of time and the number of people they care for. The stress experienced by this is now further exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis.

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  • What human rights situations require the Human Rights Council’s attention?

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    These issues require the attention of the Human Rights Council as they are, or potentially are, incompatible with international human rights law. Freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the right to peaceful assembly are just some of the human rights they place at risk.

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  • Call for inputs on making housing affordable

    Date: 28th March 2023
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Right to life, survival and development

    Deadline: 20th April 2023

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  • Review of National Outcomes

    Date: 28th March 2023

    Deadline: 5th June 2023

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  • ‘Dear Kate, Ash and Humza…’ A letter from children and young people

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Incorporation

    Together supported Omima, Arden, Beau and Daisy, Members of Children’s Parliament and Scottish Youth Parliament, to send a letter to the SNP leadership candidates, asking for their clear commitment to incorporating children’s rights. The letter gained support from our members with 75 signatories! Let’s keep the pressure on candidates at the hustings – read more to find out how you can get involved!

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  • Membership Spotlight: Children’s Parliament

    Date: 8th March 2023

    This month we are putting the spotlight on our members at Children’s Parliament and their work on the Dignity in School Action programme.

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  • Together responds to alcohol marketing consultation

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Scottish Government is seeking views on proposals to restrict alcohol advertising and promotion. Together’s response highlights the children’s rights issues and repeated calls from children and young people about reducing the visibility and harmful impact of alcohol on their lives.

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  • Young Carers Action Day

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Young carers

    Young Carers Action Day on the 15th of March is all about raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers and seeking to bring about change for them and their families. Read on to find out how you can help Carer’s Trust and young carers call on decision-makers to support young carers and young adult carers for this campaigning day.

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  • Age of marriage rises to 18 in England and Wales

    Date: 8th March 2023

    The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 came into force in England and Wales last week, increasing the minimum age of marriage to 18. This means Scotland is falling behind its neighbours as well as international standards on the issue of child marriage, something likely to be brought up during the UN Committee’s examination of the UK in May.

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  • The cost of higher learning in England

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Education, including vocational education, Child poverty

    University students in England are forced to skip lectures to work paid shifts due to increasing pressures caused by the cost-of-living crisis, according to a recent poll.

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  • Human Rights Council session on children's rights

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The 52nd session of the Human Rights Council will take place from 27 February to 4 April, 2023 and will involve a discussion on the UNCRC for the annual day on the rights of child on 10th March.

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  • Day of General Discussion on General Comment on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Sustainable Development

    Date: 8th March 2023

    On Friday 24 February, the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre and Child Rights Connect participated and delivered a statement on the Day of the General Discussion that the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) organised to discuss their next General Comment that will focus on sustainable development.

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  • Accident prevention survey

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Deadline: 30th April 2023

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  • Film release! ‘New Scots Families Storyplay in Glasgow’

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Recreation, play and cultural activities, Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    This short film is an uplifting story of play, children’s rights and multiculturalism in Glasgow. Licketyspit documents their latest project on how Storyplay can support integration, with over 700 children and families from different backgrounds taking part in meaningful play.

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  • Human rights in health and social care in Scotland

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    In ‘the Opportunity is now’, researchers explore concerns and aspirations for the health and social care sector in Scotland from interviews taken with key stakeholders and across the sector. Opportunities for improvement that were identified include the National Care Service and incorporation of human rights.

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  • Forces Life Board Game and Comic Book

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Do you teach or support children & young people from armed forces and veteran families? The Forces Life Board Game and Comic Book provides an opportunity for educators & professionals to enhance their continual professional development (CPD) by learning more about unique challenges faced by this group of young people when it comes to education and learning, mental health and wellbeing and much more.

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  • Video resources: Human Rights Act & the cost-of-living crisis

    Date: 8th March 2023
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Child poverty

    The British Institute of Human Rights has published informative video resources on the importance of the protection of the Human Rights Act (HRA) during the cost-of-living crisis.

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  • The Rights Detectives Report Launch

    Date: 2nd March 2023
    Category: Incorporation

    On Thursday 2nd of March 2023, we published our Rights Detectives Report providing an update to Scottish Government. Our Rights Detectives have been extremely busy investigating and completing missions to help shape Scotland's new Human Rights Bill! 

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  • SNP Leadership Candidate Letter

    Date: 1st March 2023
    Category: Incorporation

    The time is now for #MakingRightsReal 

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  • Together gives evidence to the UN Committee in Geneva!

    Date: 13th February 2023
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, Incorporation

    Together has just returned from an action-packed few days in Geneva, where we joined children, young people and other adult human rights defenders to give evidence to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of #TeamScotlandUN.

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Viewing page 11 of 148 giving 2942 results