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  • Children and young people share their views on human rights incorporation

    Date: 28th January 2021
    Category: Incorporation, Respect for the views of the child

    Together recently hosted three conversation events to inform the work of the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership. We’d like to thank the children and young people who took part and our members who supported them – Aberlour, Scottish Refugee Council, SCLD and YouthLink Scotland. Children and young people can still submit their views until 31st January 2021.

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  • Aberlour launches petition to double Scottish Child Payment

    Date: 28th January 2021
    Category: Social security, Child poverty, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The petition calls on Scottish Government to increase the Scottish Child Payment from £10 to £20 per child per week by 2022, to enable families “to do more than just survive”.

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  • National Theatre of Scotland invites care experienced people to get creative!

    Date: 28th January 2021
    Category: Care Experienced children, Respect for the views of the child

    Care experienced young people and adults, foster carers, children’s residential workers and social workers are invited to co-curate an interdisciplinary performance project that blends media installation with both digital and live performance.

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  • Young Advisers needed!

    Date: 28th January 2021
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS) is looking for young people to become Young Advisers and tell CYPCS what issues matter to Scotland’s children and young people.

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  • Annual report on the nature and scale of poverty across the UK

    Date: 28th January 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    This report highlights early indications of how poverty has changed since the start of COVID-19, who is feeling the greatest economic and health effects of COVID-19, and recommendations for change.

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  • Prospects for an EU-wide Child Guarantee to combat child poverty

    Date: 28th January 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    Almost 22.5% of children in the European Union are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The economic fallout from COVID-19 continues to hit children, young people and their families. This article looks at progress towards implementing an EU-wide Child Guarantee to combat poverty.

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  • Together adds support to joint statement on protecting human rights and judicial review

    Date: 28th January 2021
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Together has joined over 110 human rights-focused organisations in expressing concerns at the UK Government’s intentions to review the human rights framework and judicial review.

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  • New blog on reform to judicial review

    Date: 15th January 2021

    The new blog by Dr Katie Boyle, Associate Professor Int Human Rights Law at the University of Stirling, considers the human rights implications of reforms to judicial review.

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  • Stage 1 report on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill published

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Incorporation

    The report analyses evidence gathered from individuals and groups who would be impacted by the Bill – including engagement sessions with children and young people. The Equalities and Human Rights Committee unanimously recommends that the Scottish Parliament agree to the general principles of the Bill, while identifying some areas in need of further consideration.

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  • Together’s #RightsResolution for 2021

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: UNCRC Optional Protocols and General Comments, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Awareness-raising

    To celebrate the #YearOfChildhood, Together’s #RightsResolution for 2021 is to create weekly children’s rights infographics for our members to use and share.

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  • Get involved in the Year of Childhood 2021

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    The #YearOfChildhood is kicking off with a focus  on storytelling. Children’s Parliament is inviting children, young people and adults to help create a picture of what makes a happy childhood. Findings will inform the Year of Childhood programme.

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  • Fairer Scotland Action Plan: Progress Report 2020

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    In December 2020, Scottish Government published its Fairer Scotland Action Plan: Progress Report 2020. The report describes Scottish Government’s achievements and ongoing work according to its 2016 Fairer Scotland Action Plan.

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  • Lockdown Lowdown findings

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: COVID-19, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    In October 2020, young people were invited to join a series of focus groups and respond to a survey on the impact COVID-19 is having on them. These activities were organised by the Scottish Youth Parliament, supported by YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot. The survey report and focus group findings are now available online.

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  • Changes to disclosure of childhood offending behaviour

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Age of criminal responsibility, Child justice system

    The law on sharing information about childhood offending behaviour is changing. This could significantly reduce adverse implications later in life.

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  • Western Isles council rejects official RSHP education

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Education, including vocational education

    A  majority of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar councillors backed a motion “commending” Roman Catholic teaching materials which uphold an orthodox stance against sexual intercourse outside heterosexual marriage.

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  • ‘Navigating a World of Rights’ – new report shares findings from Who Cares? Scotland’s participation work

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Education, including vocational education, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The report covers why members feel it is important for their human rights to be protected in law, policy, and practice. The report also includes recommendations for change.

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  • Calls to radically reshape bail and remand system

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Child justice system

    A CYCJ study has called for reform to ensure the system is child-friendly, fair and just for both victims and children who have offended.

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  • Children's views on COVID recovery

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: COVID-19

    In December, Children’s Parliament provided its input to the COVID Education Recovery Group, which leads the national response to the pandemic in the context of the school system. In a new blog post, it reflects on what recovery means from a rights-based perspective.

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  • New report highlights the impact of ‘Pride & Pixels’ digital youth work

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: COVID-19, Mental health

    ‘Pride & Pixels’ is a digital youth work platform developed in response to COVID-19 to support young members of the LGBTI community.

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  • England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland submit joint list of issues to UN Committee

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    The joint report outlines 30 key issues facing children across the four jurisdictions. It has been submitted to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to inform its next review of the UK.

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Viewing page 34 of 148 giving 2942 results