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  • New CEDAW General Recommendation on trafficking of women and girls in the context of global migration

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Child trafficking, UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

    Governments have a duty to combat all forms of trafficking under Article 6 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). This new General Recommendation by the CEDAW Committee contextualises this obligation within the framework of global migration.

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  • Supporting Families and Children Beyond COVID-19: social protection in high income countries

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: COVID-19, Child poverty

    A new UNICEF report explores how the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to affect children; the initial government responses to the crisis; and how future public policies could be optimised to better support children.

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  • #CovidUnder19 Global Survey results out now

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: COVID-19, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    In May 2020, the Centre for Children’s Rights from Queen’s University Belfast launched a survey for those aged eight to 17 to understand their “Life under Coronavirus”. Eight thematic briefings have been released to examine its findings.

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  • New report - ‘Realising Rights, Changing Lives’

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The report identifies good practice conducted by United Nations entities for effective reporting cycles. It shares ‘success’ factors which influence whether engagement with these reporting cycles have measurable improvements in the global enjoyment of children’s rights.

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  • Covid-19 threatens progress to eradicate child labour

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: Children in situations of exploitation, COVID-19

    2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour but the COVID-19 pandemic threatens two decades worth of progress and places millions of children at risk. In a recent article, anti-child labour organisations and advocates discuss what it will take to tackle child labour effectively.

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  • Call for children’s views on their rights, the Sustainable Development Goals and COVID-19

    Date: 13th January 2021
    Category: COVID-19

    Closing date: 31st January 2021

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  • Children and young people’s views on human rights incorporation needed!

    Date: 11th January 2021
    Category: UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Policies & procedures, Incorporation

    The Scottish Government wants to write a new human rights law for Scotland, and has created a National Taskforce to support its work. The Taskforce wants to know what children and young people think about this!

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  • Together submits report to UN Committee

    Date: 10th December 2020
    Category: Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    The report highlights 30 key issues for children in Scotland and will inform the initial stages of the UK’s next review by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

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  • Launch of Children and Young People’s Panel on Europe’s report

    Date: 10th December 2020
    Category: Funding, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The Panel launched its new report - ‘Young Brexit Voices: It’s Our Future Too’ – on 9th December 2020. It looks at what impact leaving the EU might have on children and young people and sets out their recommendations for what needs to happen next.

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  • New report on child rights-based budgeting

    Date: 10th December 2020
    Category: Incorporation, Budgeting

    Together was joined over summer 2020 by Sara Helgesson, an LLM Human Rights candidate at the University of Edinburgh. Sara spent three months completing a research placement on child rights-based budgeting. Today, we are delighted to publish her dissertation which presents her findings.

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  • Summary of evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and young people

    Date: 10th December 2020
    Category: COVID-19, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    This is the fourth evidence summary on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and families in Scotland. The summary focuses upon newer Scottish studies relating to children and families living in poverty; black and minority ethnic young people; and families impacted by disability. It draws on wider UK research where necessary.

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  • Review of the UN human rights treaty body system published

    Date: 10th December 2020
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    The review considers the effectiveness of the UN human rights treaty body system and makes recommendations on how the system could be further strengthened and enhanced.

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  • Youth climate challenge reaches European Court of Human Rights

    Date: 10th December 2020
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Non-discrimination, Right to life, survival and development, Respect for the views of the child

    The European Court of Human Rights has ordered 33 European governments to respond to a landmark climate action lodged by six youth campaigners.

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  • Equalities and Human Rights Commission submits report to the UN on children’s rights in Great Britain

    Date: 10th December 2020
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    The report is part of the monitoring of the UK Government’s implementation of rights set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The report looks at the state of children’s rights and makes recommendations for change.

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  • Together gives evidence on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 9th December 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    Together’s Director, Juliet Harris, delivered Stage 1 evidence to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee, alongside members Who Cares? Scotland, YouthLink Scotland, SCLD and Scottish Youth Parliament.

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  • Youth-led conference on Children’s Rights Impact Assessments

    Date: 9th December 2020
    Category: Child rights impact assessments

    On 16th November, the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS) hosted a Europe-wide conference, gathering 43 children and young people’s commissioners from 34 European UN Member States, and young advisers from 12 countries. The annual ENOC conference focuses on topics affecting children and young people’s human rights across Europe.

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  • Parents and carers’ responses to Back at School survey

    Date: 9th December 2020
    Category: Education, including vocational education, COVID-19, Recreation, play and cultural activities

    This autumn, Connect ran a survey asking parents and carers how being back at school or in nursery was going. It received 527 responses from across 29 local authorities.

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  • My Support, My Choice report now available

    Date: 9th December 2020
    Category: Disabled children, Mental health, Health and health services, Social security

    The report includes evidence, analysis and recommendations to improve social care in Scotland following COVID-19.

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  • Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill passed

    Date: 9th December 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    MSPs unanimously voted to pass the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill, making Scotland the first country in the world to make it a legal right to access free period products.

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  • Girls in Scotland 2020 survey findings

    Date: 9th December 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Over 500 girls and young women aged seven to 21 took part and shared the challenges they face. The results have been analysed against findings from a similar 2018 survey, to compare what progress has been made and what issues remain.

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Viewing page 35 of 148 giving 2942 results