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  • Statutory code of practice to protect children and young people’s data developed

    Date: 21st August 2020

    The Information Commissioner has issued the Age Appropriate Design Code, which is a statutory code of practice setting out specific protections for children and young people’s data and requiring companies to provide a much higher level of privacy protection by default.

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  • Share approaches to health and social care engagement activities (1)

    Date: 21st August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted community engagement with health and social care activities in different ways. Healthcare Improvement Scotland is looking for tips, learning or interesting examples from health and social care of engagement activities happening at a distance.

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  • Support the #YoungBrexitVoices campaign!

    Date: 20th August 2020

    The Children and Young People’s Panel on Europe has led a two-week social media campaign highlighting members’ key asks of the Scottish and UK Government in relation to Brexit. Whilst 21st August 2020 marks the end of the social media campaign, the Panel’s “What Happens After Brexit?” survey will remain open until 15th September 2020.

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  • Thousands of Scottish students have exam results upgraded

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Education, including vocational education

    The Deputy First Minister’s announcement on 11th August 2020 followed protests by young people at the downgrading of results by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) - affecting almost  76,000 pupils. Protests highlighted the disproportionate impact on young people attending schools in areas of deprivation. John Swinney’s announcement sought to resolve the issue by reinstating teachers’ estimated grades.

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  • Human rights and COVID-19

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Eight key policy briefings have been developed to highlight areas of human rights concern during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify how rights can be used to inform Scotland’s recovery.

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  • Supporting young carers: smoking, health and wellbeing survey

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    ASH Scotland is seeking the views of staff and volunteers working with young carers to inform its future engagement with young carers' services. The survey also intends to discover how ASH Scotland can offer the best support to improve young carers’ health and wellbeing, particularly in relation to smoking uptake and exposure to second-hand smoke.

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  • Stage 3 of the Children (Scotland) Bill to take place on 25th August 2020

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The Children (Scotland) Bill seeks to introduce changes on how disputes within families over the care of a child are resolved. Stage 2 amendments have been made and the final stage of the Bill is now imminent.

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  • How are you doing? Survey results published

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Results of Children’s Parliament’s monthly national wellbeing survey for children aged eight to 14 have been published. The results span from April to June 2020 and cover the following topics: learning, family and friends, health and wellbeing, access to information, expressing opinions and experiencing rights, worries and feeling good.

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  • Babies in Lockdown: listening to parents to build back better

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    This new report builds on the results of a survey of just over 5,000 new and expectant parents. It reveals a mixed picture of their COVID-19 lockdown experience and makes several calls to action to build back better.

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  • Research considers the extent to which civil society organisations refer to international human rights framework in own activities

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The research, commissioned by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, focused on civil society organisations in England and Wales. In it, the ‘international human rights framework’ refers to all international human rights treaties and review mechanisms committed to by the UK.

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  • Universal ratification of 1999 Child Labour Convention

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Children in situations of exploitation, Child trafficking

    All 187 member States of the International Labour Organization have now ratified its Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour 1999 (Convention No. 182). This means children now have greater legal protection against the worst forms of child labour, such as slavery, sexual exploitation, the use of children in armed conflict or other illicit or hazardous work that compromises children’s rights.

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  • COVID-19: EU rights agency reports on impact of emergency measures by member states

    Date: 20th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    This bulletin explores the human rights implications of member states’ measures to tackle COVID-19 between 1st-30th June 2020. 

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  • 30 years of research by UNICEF Innocenti

    Date: 20th August 2020

    To celebrate 30 years of research by UNICEF Innocenti, a collection of research conducted during this time has been published. The collection highlights the evolution of a small research institute focusing on interpreting the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to overseeing a broad portfolio of research on key issues for children and young people.

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  • Together assesses Scottish Government’s approach to COVID-19

    Date: 7th August 2020
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    Together has produced an updated assessment of Scottish Government’s approach to COVID-19 and the impact on children’s human rights.

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  • Supporting young carers survey

    Date: 7th August 2020

    A new survey seeks insight on the ways young carers’ health and wellbeing needs can be met, particularly in relation to smoking, vaping and exposure to second-hand smoke.

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  • Consultation report on the experiences of virtual Children’s Hearings

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    A new report has captured the experiences of young people, parents, carers, and professionals in relation to virtual Children’s Hearings which have taken place over lockdown. It highlights that the move to online hearings has created challenges for ensuring the meaningful participation of the child and their families.

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  • Scottish Qualification Authority releases exam results

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Scottish students received their exam results on Tuesday 4th August after school exams were cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Overall pass rates were higher than the previous year but a significant number of awards were downgraded from teacher estimates, particularly for young people attending schools in areas of deprivation.

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  • Results of ‘Online in Lockdown’ survey released

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    This report provides insight into the effects of lockdown and enforced social isolation upon children and young people aged 12-24 across Scotland’s 32 local authority areas. The research focussed specifically on emotional wellbeing before and during lockdown, and experiences of online bullying and prejudice during lockdown.

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  • Bridging the digital divide for care experienced young people in Scotland

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    This briefing explores the digital divide between care experienced young people and their peers. It touches on the challenges and solutions to digital exclusion before and during COVID-19 restrictions. 

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  • Survey finds majority of most vulnerable teenagers did no online learning during lockdown

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    The survey found that almost 70% of the most disadvantaged teenagers did no home learning during lockdown. MCR Pathways is calling for disadvantaged and care-experienced teenagers to be prioritised and provided with in-person teaching in the event of future lockdown restrictions.

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Viewing page 41 of 148 giving 2942 results