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  • Oxfam calls for increased support for families in poverty

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    A new briefing from Oxfam Scotland explores the link between the undervaluing of care work in Scotland, including childcare, and increasing poverty levels. It calls on the Scottish Government to use its devolved powers to protect low-income families.

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  • Report on participation of children and young people during COVID-19

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    The findings of a project examining the wellbeing and participation of children and young people in the crisis response to COVID-19 have been published by A Place in Childhood.

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  • Calls for transition plans for autistic children returning to school

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Disabled children

    The National Autistic Society Scotland is calling on schools to provide personalised transition plans for all autistic children as schools return to in-person learning in August.

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  • New insights into children and young people’s experience of lockdown

    Date: 6th August 2020

    Three new reports have been released on the experiences of children and young people during COVID-19.

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  • British Institute of Human Rights submits evidence to Joint Committee on Human Rights COVID-19 inquiry

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    A summary of evidence submitted by the British Institute of Human Rights to the UK Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry into government responses to COVID-19 has been published.

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  • Life in lockdown for siblings of disabled children

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    A survey by Sibs has found that COVID-19 has led to increased caring responsibilities, isolation and poorer mental health issues for siblings of disabled children.

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  • Legal challenge against Ministry of Justice ban on prison visits during lockdown

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Lawyers acting on behalf of children in England who have been denied visits and video contact with an imprisoned parent have taken the first step of legal action claiming that the lack of contact breaches children’s human rights.

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  • COVID-19 pushed victims of child trafficking and exploitation into further isolation

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Special protection measures

    A new report by Save the Children has highlighted how the COVID-19 crisis has changed criminals’ usual models of trafficking and exploitation used on children and young people.

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  • Educational responses to COVID-19 research

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    A briefing paper by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) analyses the educational responses taken by governments in 20 OECD countries in response to COVID-19. It also includes a set of general recommendations to inform the future development of education strategies.

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  • New General Comment on the Right to Peaceful Assembly

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The Human Rights Committee has published General Comment No.37 on Article 21 (right to peaceful assembly) which places obligations on states to protect children’s right to peacefully assemble.

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  • Share approaches to health and social care engagement activities

    Date: 6th August 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted community engagement with health and social care activities in different ways. Healthcare Improvement Scotland is looking for tips, learning or interesting examples from health and social care of engagement activities happening at a distance.

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  • COVID-19: Economic impact on young people

    Date: 27th July 2020

    Closing date: 31st July 2020

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  • COVID-19 Child Rights Impact Assessment draws from briefings and experiences of Together members

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Child rights impact assessments

    The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland has published an independent Children’s Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) on the response to COVID-19 in Scotland.  Undertaken by the Observatory of Children’s Human Rights Scotland, of which Together is a founder member, the CRIA provides a thorough analysis of how emergency laws and policies around the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the human rights of children and young people in Scotland.  It draws heavily from briefings and resources – as well as the views and experiences of children and young people - provided by Together members and collated on our extensive COVID-19 resource webpages.

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  • Scottish Government announces £4million ‘Promise Fund’ investment

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, Funding

    The funding, announced by Deputy First Minister John Swinney, is part of an overhaul of the care system pledged by Scottish Government following the Independent Care Review. The fund will be used to support children and families and help them stay together. 

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  • Children’s views about return to face-to-face children’s hearings

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    In June, Scottish Children's Reporters Administration (SCRA) ran a consultation asking children and young people to share their thoughts, ideas, worries and questions about the planned return to face-to-face hearings with social distancing. SCRA has now published a report, setting out children and young people’s key concerns and what SCRA is doing to address these.  

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  • New survey on the impact of COVID-19 on young carers

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The findings, gathered by Carers Trust Scotland, highlight that many young carers have experienced increased pressures due to COVID-19. This has had a negative impact on young carers’ mental health and wellbeing.

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  • Launch of Youth Justice Voices Newsletter and opportunities to get involved

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, Special protection measures

    ‘Youth Just Us’ is Staf’s steering group for its Youth Justice Project. The group has launched its monthly newsletter and the July edition includes the group’s art, information about how young people are coping during COVID-19 and what young people are doing to keep busy. The group is also looking for new members to join, to take part in a range of activities whilst creatively influencing change in the care and justice systems.

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  • Black history in Scotland’s curriculum

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Deputy First Minister John Swinney MSP has responded to numerous asks that more is done to ensure social inequality, racism and Black history are covered in the education curriculum.

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  • A year of children’s food: a progress review of policy on children’s food and nutrition across the four UK nations 2019-20

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    A new report reviews policy progress since the 2019 Children’s Right to Food Inquiry. The Inquiry found that inconsistent and insufficient policies were leaving large numbers of children unable to access the food they need, while other policies which seemed adequate on paper, were badly implemented in practice.

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  • New report on two-child limit and human rights obligations

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    The two-child limit is a policy that restricts welfare payments to families based on family size. A new report from Just Fair finds that the policy is contrary to the UK’s human rights obligations as it forces families into poverty and hardship by preventing access to an adequate income.

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