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  • Keynote speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet

    Date: 22nd July 2020

    Michelle Bachelet spoke at Child Rights Connect’s 2020 General Assembly, where 45 regional, national and local child rights organisations from around the world gathered. Michelle Bachelet’s keynote speech touched upon the impact of COVID-19 on children and the importance of to advance a child rights-based and multi-sectoral response to the pandemic.

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  • Survey seeks parents’ and carers’ experiences of life on low income during COVID-19

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Child poverty

    Child Poverty Action Group has partnered with the University of York and University of Birmingham to produce the survey which seeks to understand the challenges parents and carers on low income are facing during the current pandemic. The aim is to document the impact of COVID-19 on these families and help policymakers make better decisions.

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  • Survey explores the effect COVID-19 has had on families

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Commissioned by Action for Children, a YouGov survey of over 2000 parents has highlighted the impact of COVID-19 and life in lockdown.

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  • EU leaders urged to tackle child poverty in EU recovery plan and budget

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    Eurochild implores EU leaders to put children’s best interests at the heart of their budgeting decisions by supporting the proposal that each Member State allocates at least 5% of the European Social Fund Plus to address child poverty, in line with a Council Recommendation on the Child Guarantee.

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  • Organisations encouraged to contribute to list of COVID-19 policy recommendations on children’s rights

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: General measures of implementation

    CRIN’s webpage features recommendations by international, regional and national human rights bodies and organisations on a wide range of issues. CRIN encourages organisations to share their materials so this list of resources is up to date.

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  • Save the Children’s new child participation during COVID-19 tracker

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General principles, Respect for the views of the child

    Save the Children has developed a map which highlights some of the efforts its offices and partners continue to take to advance child participation during the pandemic.

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  • Child Rights and Inclusion Strategy consultation

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Children’s Hearings Scotland wants to hear from organisations associated with the care sector or those who work directly with children with experience of care in a series of feedback sessions about its Child Rights and Inclusion Strategy. The Strategy aims to ensure children feel able to speak openly and honestly in hearings, that their views are given real weight in the decision-making process and children feel empowered and have ownership of their rights.

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  • Select Committee seeks views on life beyond COVID

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    A new House of Lords Select Committee on COVID-19 is asking for individuals and organisations to share their views on the long-term implications of the pandemic as part of their Life beyond COVID inquiry.

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  • Second implementation report on the Strategy on the Rights of the Child (2016-2021)

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The report presents an overview of children’s rights-related progress by and information on the Council of Europe’s actions and achievements under each of the five thematic areas of the Strategy on the Rights of the Child, namely; equal opportunities for all children, participation of all children, a life free from violence for all children, the rights of the child in the digital environment.

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  • Upstream Prevention Pack

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Special protection measures

    The Upstream Prevention Pack includes six leaflets which have up to date practical resources to help parents, carers and professionals prevent child sexual abuse.

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  • Practitioner and parental wellbeing podcast

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Listen to the latest free podcast on practitioner and parental wellbeing from child development trainer/Consultant Stan Godek.

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  • How you(th) can be a leader for change

    Date: 22nd July 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Date: 12th August 2020

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  • Complete our State of Children’s Rights Survey and discover slides from UNCRC 2020 webinar series

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Slides from Together’s recent UNCRC 2020 webinar series are now available online. These webinars have helped build a picture of the current state of children’s rights in Scotland. Together is now seeking your views in a survey to help shape our report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, highlighting priority children’s rights issues in Scotland.

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  • Last chance to sign up to our final State of Children’s Rights Webinar on General Measures of Implementation

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The General Measures of Implementation webinar is now available to sign up to and will take place on Friday 17th of July 2020 from 9:30-11:00. This webinar will explore how children’s rights are implemented in Scotland with a focus on the general measures governments can use to ensure children’s rights are respected and realised across legislation, policy and practice.

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  • Together joins Scottish organisations to raise concerns over the use of emergency powers in Scotland

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    In a joint letter coordinated by the British Institute for Human Rights, a group of Scottish organisations have written to the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee to raise concerns over the use of emergency powers granted in UK and Scottish Coronavirus legislation. The letter also highlights concerns over transparency of communications and clarity on how these powers are monitored and reviewed.

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  • Being heard - one year on

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    ‘Being Heard’ was one of the largest studies undertaken in 2018 into young people’s engagement within Scottish local authorities. This new report, tracking developments one year on, finds local authorities have made progress towards improving the role of young people in decision-making, despite cuts to councils’ youth service budgets. However, in many cases youth-engagement is still not enough and therefore, the report makes 10 recommendations.

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  • Changes to physical distancing rules for children

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities

    Scottish Government has made several changes to allow more social interaction for children. These include changes announced by the First Minister on 2nd July, with further changes announced on 9th July.

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  • COVID-19: Examining the impact of the pandemic on violence against women and girls

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Protection from abuse or neglect

    Scottish Government published qualitative evidence on the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on people experiencing domestic abuse and other forms of violence against women and girls during March to May 2020.

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  • COVID-19: Interim survey results discovering how parents and carers felt about children going back to education

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Education, including vocational education

    Connect’s survey asked parents and carers how they felt about their child going back to school or nursery in August, about part-time schooling and about how they are in general.

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  • Zero Tolerance presents annual report

    Date: 10th July 2020
    Category: Protection from abuse or neglect

    Zero Tolerance has published its Annual Report for 2019-20 which features the organisation’s highlights and success over the last year.

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Viewing page 43 of 148 giving 2942 results