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  • Explore how Scottish organisations have adapted their practice when responding to COVID-19

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Barnardo’s Scotland has detailed how it has continued to promote, monitor, report and protect the rights of children and young people amid COVID-19. This work was prompted by concerns that children and young people’s participation rights have not been upheld.

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  • Developing Scotland’s artificial intelligence strategy

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Education, including vocational education, Recreation, play and cultural activities

    Scotland’s AI Strategy wants to include children and young people’s visions of the use of artificial intelligence in Scotland and to create better awareness of what artificial intelligence is. To do this, it has created fun activity learning and quizzes, which upon completion YoungScot are offering 50 reward points.

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  • Nine equality principles to adapt for economic recovery in Scotland

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Engender has set out nine evidence-based ideas, challenges, and calls to enable inclusive growth and recovery from COVID-19. They describe features of an economy that works for women as well as men and aims to create better jobs, better decision-making, and a more adequate standard of living for all.

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  • Children (Scotland) Bill update

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The Children (Scotland) Bill aims to make changes to how disputes involving children are resolved when families break down. It aims to ensure the voice of the child is heard in court proceedings, measures are aimed at protecting the best interests of children and regulate child contact centres and child welfare reporters. This Bill has now passed stage two, during which proposed amendments were voted on.

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  • Supreme Court holds that sibling participation rights in the Children’s Hearing System are compatible with human rights law

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The UK Supreme Court has published its judgment in relation to two Scottish cases which challenged the compatibility of the Children’s Hearing System and the participation rights of siblings with Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).

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  • Overcoming barriers to public interest litigation in Scotland

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Policies & procedures

    One factor identified by the Human Rights Consortium Scotland which hinders Public Interest Litigation, is the restrictive test on who has legal standing to take a case to court. From this, Chris McCorkindale and Douglas Jack produce a briefing on how Scotland can adopt a more expansive test to enable organisations to engage in these legal proceedings in the interest of those they represent.

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  • Cost of a school day in Scotland

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Child poverty, Education, including vocational education

    COVID-19 has magnified the already greater risk of poorer educational outcomes and wellbeing, increased barriers to engagement and reduced participation in school life associated with growing up in poverty. This finding originates from a survey that looked at how household income has affected children’s experiences of education while they learn from home.

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  • Plan to reopen schools full-time in August

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    On 23rd June 2020, the Deputy First Minister John Swinney MSP updated Parliament on plans to reopen schools and announced that Scottish Government will provide a further £100 million over the next two years to help support children returning to school and recover “lost ground”.

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  • Free school meals to continue over summer

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    Through a package of £27.6 million of additional funding from Scottish Government, councils will be enabled to continue the provision of free school meals during the summer holidays and other food provision to help low income families during COVID-19.

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  • Food insecurity exacerbated by COVID-19 is far from over

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Child poverty

    A survey of frontline Scottish community organisations found that there have been improvements in emergency food aid provision since the start of lockdown. However, it also highlighted a sense of emerging concern amongst community organisations that the food insecurity crisis is far from over.

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  • Justice Committee raises concerns about children in detention with Scottish Government and Scottish Prisons Service

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Children of prisoners

    In a letter to Humza Yousaf MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice, and Teresa Medhurst, Acting Chief Executive of Scottish Prisons Service (SPS), the Justice Committee sought the views of issues raised in letters received from Scottish Human Rights Commission and Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland. The issues highlighted in these letters concerned the human rights and wellbeing of prisoners, conditions in prisons and Young Offenders Institutions, family contact, access to mobile phones and a lack of data. These letters aimed to ensure the rights of persons deprived of their liberty are respected and protected during the COVID-19 pandemic, and measures have been implemented in accordance with Scotland’s human rights obligations.

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  • ‘Rights respecting’ report adapted for young people

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    ‘Rights Respecting’ reform to Scotland’s youth justice system has now been adapted to suit younger readers, so they can learn and understand the issues around Scotland’s youth justice system.

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  • Discovering the impact of COVID-19 on justice experienced children and young people in Scotland

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Research finds children and young people who have had previous experience or are currently in contact with youth justice services or practitioners working within the youth justice system, are feeling increasingly isolated in lockdown.

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  • Last chance to sign up to our Disability, Basic Health and Welfare State of Children’s Rights webinar

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    This webinar will explore children’s rights issues on the topic of disability, basic health and welfare in Scotland, which will inform our report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Based upon our examination of the UK’s progress implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Committee will make recommendations and thereby influencing legislation and policy.

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  • Review on the use of the new emergency police powers within Scotland

    Date: 25th June 2020

    Closing date: 1st September 2020

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  • Raising the age of referral to the principal reporter

    Date: 25th June 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Closing date: 7th October 2020

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  • Together joins Human Rights Consortium Scotland members to raise concerns about potential human rights breaches during pandemic

    Date: 11th June 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Thirty organisations have contributed their experience, insight, and analysis to form the Consortium’s submission to Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee Inquiry: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Equalities and Human Rights.

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  • Children’s participation in family actions

    Date: 11th June 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Domestic legislation and international conventions say that children’s views should be given due weight in decisions about parental responsibilities. Despite this, children’s rights to participate have often been inconsistently and inadequately realised. New research explores why this is and how both family law and practice could be developed to ensure compliance.

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  • Latest ‘How are you doing?’ survey launched

    Date: 11th June 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    This is Children’s Parliament’s third month of running its ‘How are you doing?’ survey, asking 8- to 14-year-olds living in Scotland how they are feeling about life at the moment with the impact of COVID-19.

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  • Scotland's just and green recovery from COVID-19

    Date: 11th June 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Eighty civil society organisations have become signatories to a letter to the First Minister asking to meet and discuss how Scotland can successfully respond to COVID-19, whilst also tackling climate change to #BuildBackBetterScot.

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Viewing page 45 of 148 giving 2942 results