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  • Equalities and Human Rights Committee (EHRiC)

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    On 29th September 2016, the Scottish Parliament formally agreed a new name and remit for the Equal Opportunities Committee. The Membership of the Committee remains unchanged.

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  • 1,000 Voices Manifesto – ‘Who Cares’ documentary aired

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Care Experienced children

    On the 20th September, STV broadcast the documentary 'Who Cares'. Four members of Who Cares? Scotland have participated and discussed their lives as care-experienced young people. This documentary is available to watch online.

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  • Getting It Right From the Start: improving early years support for deaf children in Scotland

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Disabled children

    The National Deaf Children's Society have launched their new campaign report outlining the key issues for deaf children and their families in the early years, the gaps that still exist around support and recommendations for improvement.

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  • Report on social work services in Scotland

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Social security

    A new report by the Accounts Commission says current approaches to providing services are not sustainable in the long term. There are risks that further cost savings could affect the quality of services which provide support for over 17,000 vulnerable children and young people in Scotland.

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  • Crime audit 2016 – increase of sexual crimes online against children

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Children in situations of exploitation

    Based on key findings regarding cyber-crimes, the new crime audit published in September by the HMICS has made child and young people-specific recommendations for Scotland.

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  • Tackling hate crime – a priority for all society

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Non-discrimination

    This new report, commissioned by Scottish Ministers in 2015, has set out a number of recommendations on how to help tackle hate crime and prejudice, and build greater community cohesion.

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  • Consultation Analysis: Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: General principles, Policies & procedures

    An analysis of consultation has been undertaken on draft guidance for Children's Rights (Part 1, section 2) and Children's Services Planning (Part 3) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

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  • Day of General Discussion 2016: Children's Rights and the Environment

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Right to life, survival and development

    On Friday 23rd September, the Committee on the Rights of the Child's Day of General Discussion (DGD) was held on the topic of 'Children's Rights and the Environment'. MCP's at the Children's Parliament went out and did fantastically well in representing Scotland!

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  • UN Committee on the Rights of the Child adopts a General Comment on ‘Public budgeting for the realisation of children's rights'

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    Children's organisations have welcomed the Committee's recognition that states need to invest in children to realise their rights as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols.

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  • Questionnaire on the provision of support to persons with disabilities

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Disabled children

    The Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Ms. Catalina Devandas-Aguilar, is currently preparing a study, to be presented at the 34th session of the Human Rights Council in March 2017, on the provision of support to persons with disabilities.

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  • Early Learning and Childcare Expansion Consultation

    Date: 4th October 2016
    Category: Inclusive education

    Aberdeen City Council is carrying out a statutory consultation exercise linked to the Scottish Government's programme for expansion of early learning and childcare.

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  • Together gives evidence to the Equal Opportunities Committee

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Non-discrimination

    At its third meeting, the Equal Opportunities Committee considered its approach to developing its work programme by taking oral evidence from a number of organisations, including Together.

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  • Themes for 2018 Year of Young People announced

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: General principles

    In their final report, published on 8th September 2016, the Interim Planning Group for the forthcoming 2018 'Year of Young People' set out four themes for discussion.

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  • Scottish Government face legal challenge over Religious Observance in schools

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

    The Humanist Society Scotland are to seek a Judicial Review of a decision by the Scottish Government not to allow young people to opt-out of religious observance, as is possible for children in England and Wales and as recommended by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

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  • Petition on military visits to Scottish schools to be heard at Holyrood

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Armed conflict

    A petition is calling for more transparency and oversight of visits made by the armed forces to secondary state schools after concerns were highlighted over the unmonitored nature and frequency of the visits, with fears that they are being used as a recruitment tool.

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  • Scottish children make 934 calls about suicide to Childline a year

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Mental health

    Childline received more than 900 inquiries from children in Scotland contemplating suicide last year, according to a new NSPCC UK report.

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  • Submission to Day of General Discussion on children’s rights and the environment

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Right to life, survival and development

    The Office of the Children and Young People's Commissioner for Scotland (CYPCS) has submitted a paper to inform the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child's general discussion day on children's rights and the environment on Friday 23rd September.

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  • UN focuses on refugees, but clause on child detention weakened

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Armed conflict

    For the first time, the General Assembly has called for a summit at the Heads of State and Government level on large movements of refugees and migrants. However, key commitments are missing, including best interests of the child regarding detention.

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  • The Children's State of the European Union

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his State of the Union on Wednesday, stating Europe should "champion children and their way of life".

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  • The Netherlands demonstrates good practice in addressing child poverty

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Child poverty

    The Netherlands EU Presidency has achieved a high grade in the Eurochild scorecard which measures EU presidencies on four key criteria: addressing child poverty, for which it received top marks; mainstreaming children's rights in broader policies, progressing the EU children's rights agenda and listening to children, for which it received above average grades.In Europe, one in four children are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. The adoption of the Council Conclusions on 'Combating poverty and social exclusion: an integrated approach' is an important marker of how European countries can share practices and policies while ensuring integrated approaches are streamlined throughout the EU.

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