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  • Inquiry into the human rights implications of Brexit

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The Committee is issuing an open call for evidence, focusing on three issues: privacy and family life; international trade; and other human rights protected by EU law.

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  • Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in education: A Governance Review

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    This governance review is seeking views on how education in Scotland is run, including who should take decisions in relation to the education of children and young people, and how funding can be made fairer. It also asks about the support teachers and practitioners need to do their jobs well and how this can be improved.

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  • Scotland's Oral Health Plan

    Date: 20th September 2016
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government's proposals to reduce health inequalities, shift dental services to a more preventative approach - initially for children, and to meet the challenges of an ageing population.

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  • Inquiry into EU reform and the EU referendum: implications for Scotland, submission from Together

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    Together's submission specifically focuses on the impact that the UK's exit from the EU is likely to have on the rights of children and young people.

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  • Call for MSYP candidates - #Stand4SYP

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The next Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) elections will be in March 2017, and the call for candidates is now open.

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  • UN calls for more effective action against racism by the Scottish government

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Non-discrimination

    On the 26th August, CERD (the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination) published their Concluding Observations. Included in it, for the first time was thirteen mentions of Scotland and Scottish policies as well as a number of specific recommendations for Scotland on issues such as criminal justice, National Human Rights Institutions, racist hate speech and hate crimes, stop and search as well as access to justice.

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  • Survey findings on healthy relationships in early primary education published

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    New report by Zero Tolerance shows a growing need for relationship education in early primary and the early years.

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  • Mental health statistics in Scotland - continued rise in number of young patients

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Mental health

    The number of children and young people being seen by mental health services has risen by nearly a third in the last two years.

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  • ‘Paying More to be Poor’ Scotland report

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Child poverty

    Families on lower incomes pay more than average costs for basic goods and services, according to new research published by Citizens Advice Scotland.

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  • Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility – research briefing

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Age of criminal responsibility

    A research briefing for the House of Commons library looks at the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility across the UK. It notes the work of Scotland's Expert Advisory Group and states that "an increase of the age of criminal responsibility may happen soon in Scotland".

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  • ‘Doing referendums differently after the EU vote’

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    This new report by the Electoral Reform Society evaluates the conduct of the EU referendum and makes suggestions for future improvement, including recommending votes from age 16 across the UK and the extension of citizenship education in schools.

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  • Legal challenge over safer alternatives to detention in police cells

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    In England, a 14-year-old boy is launching a legal challenge against London's Metropolitan police and his local council over a failure to provide a safer alternative to detention in police cells.

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  • The Good Childhood Report 2016 UK

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Best interests of the child, Mental health

    The Children's Society's annual state-of-the-nation review of young people's well-being finds an estimated 283,000 girls aged 10-15 say they are not happy with their lives overall - one in seven of all girls in that age group.

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  • Justice Secretary confirms intent to scrap the Human Rights Act

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The new Justice Secretary Liz Truss has confirmed that the UK government will continue with plans to replace the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights.

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  • Barriers to the Children’s Hearing System for ethnic minority children

    Date: 6th September 2016
    Category: Non-discrimination, Respect for the views of the child

    SCRA is carrying out research on the barriers which might prevent children, young people and families from ethnic minorities from reaching out to professionals, and/or from getting the help they need when they do, including statutory interventions through the Children's Hearings System.

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  • Statutory Guidance: Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000

    Date: 6th September 2016

    This consultation seeks views on draft statutory guidance in relation to a series of amendments to the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 ("the 2000 Act") made by Part 1 of the Education (Scotland) Act 2016.

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  • UK Government ‘childhood obesity strategy’ published

    Date: 24th August 2016
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has recently expressed concern over the high prevalence of obesity among children in many parts of the UK - including Scotland - and yet the newly published childhood obesity strategy has been widely criticised for being ineffective.

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  • Submission to the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law

    Date: 24th August 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    In their submission, CRIN have highlighted several areas of children's rights that warrant further discussion, including: children's right to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, the right to vote, and access to justice and challenging public decisions.

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  • Learning and development pathway for childminders

    Date: 24th August 2016
    Category: Care Experienced children

    The Care Inspectorate have released two questionnaires to a) gain the views of parents and carers about childminding services and b) gain the views of childminders about these services.

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  • Consultation on Social Security in Scotland

    Date: 24th August 2016
    Category: Social security

    The Scottish Government is publishing a consultation on social security in Scotland, to gather views and inform future decisions, including the development of the forthcoming Social Security Bill.

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