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  • Case study submissions for State of Childrens Rights report

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting

    Whilst we have identified several case studies from existing submissions, Together are keen for organisations to get in touch with key issue case studies.

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  • New research published on best interests for babies in prison

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Children of prisoners

    New collaborative research into the issue of mothers and babies in prison suggest that the current arrangements in Scotland do not adequately account for the often complex needs of imprisoned mothers, who have often had chaotic lifestyles linked to drug and alcohol use, and poor mental health.

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  • Report on child neglect, creative arts and resilience

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Protection from abuse or neglect

    The Scottish Universities Insight Institute (SUII) supports programmes of knowledge exchange which address and provide insight on substantial issues that face Scotland and the wider world. This programme and subsequent report explores the critical arts approach to combat the impact of neglect.

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  • ‘Action For Change’: Girl-led advocacy network piloted in Edinburgh

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    A project led by Girlguiding Scotland will be piloted in a weekend of workshops for 13-18 year-old girls who will learn to effectively use digital communications, influence decision makers and engage with the media to push for change.

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  • Mapping the employability landscape for people with learning disabilities in Scotland

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Disabled children

    This research responds to the Active Citizenship priority to facilitate employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities by seeking to better understand the scale and effectiveness of employability support for people with learning disabilities in Scotland.

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  • SPICe research briefing on ‘Closing The Attainment Gap: What Can Schools Do?’

    Date: 23rd August 2016

    This briefing by SPICe (the Scottish Parliament Information Centre) highlights five guiding principles and six key strategies, gathered from evidence-based educational research, that have been proved effective in closing the attainment gap both nationally and internationally.

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  • Scotland’s minority groups and children face inequalities in housing, health and employment

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    According to a new report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), people from ethnic minorities in Scotland are four times more likely than the general population to live in overcrowded accommodation, and twice as likely to be poor and out of work.

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  • Raising age of criminal responsibility in Scotland gains widespread support

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Age of criminal responsibility

    Several organisations have supported the call to raise Scotland's age of criminal responsibility from eight in order to meet UN-backed minimum human rights standards.

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  • Rise in ‘sexting’ leads to increased calls to Childline

    Date: 23rd August 2016
    Category: Protection of privacy

    Childline has reported that it receives at least four calls a day from children worried about sexting - a 15% increase on last year.

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  • Scotland's young carers hide their responsibilities

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Young carers

    According to new research by the Carers Trust Scotland, young carers in Scotland are hiding their responsibilities from their friends due to bullying and a lack of understanding.

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  • FOI requests find thousands of racist incidents reported in Scottish schools

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Non-discrimination

    Freedom of information requests to councils found almost 2,000 incidents of racism in primary schools and 1,000 more in secondary schools since 2011.

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  • Prominent gay Scottish politicians back LGBTi teaching in the classroom

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Non-discrimination

    The Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) Campaign for LGBTI education to be taught as part of the curriculum in Scottish schools has been supported by several prominent gay Scottish politicians including Mhairi Black, Kezia Dugdale, Tory MSP Annie Wells, and Patrick Harvie.

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  • SCRA’s Official Statistics 2015/16 published

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Social security

    The statistics show that in 2015/16, 15,329 children and young people in Scotland were referred to the Children's Reporter. Provided are online statistics, a statistical analysis and online statistics by Local Authority.

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  • Children and Families Survey results

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    SCRA has published its fourth national survey of children, young people, parents and carers coming to Children's Hearings.

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  • Sexual abuse of children online in Scotland

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Children in situations of exploitation

    Police Scotland have arrested and charged 77 people for their involvement in online sexual abuse of children, involving an estimated 520 victims.

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  • New report on post-school transition experiences of young people with learning difficulties

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Right to life, survival and development, Disabled children

    'Life on the Edge of the Cliff' received a Travel Fellowship from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to explore post school experiences of young people with Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD and/or Tourette's Syndrome in Italy, Norway and the Czech Republic.

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  • Treaty Body reporting - CESCR Examination of the UK

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Right to life, survival and development, Social security

    The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) held its 58th session from the 6th to the 24th June. It reviewed seven States' compliance with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights including the UK.

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  • Climate change and children's rights

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Right to life, survival and development

    The Human Rights Council adopted a resolution during its 32nd session on human rights and climate change with a focus on children's rights. It recognises that children are among the most vulnerable to climate change, and that this may have a serious impact on their rights.

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  • Written Call for Evidence – Scotland’s relationship with the EU

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Policies & procedures

    The European and External Relations Committee is conducting an inquiry into the implications of the EU Referendum result for Scotland's relationship with the EU.

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  • Mental Health in Scotland – a 10-year vision

    Date: 10th August 2016
    Category: Mental health

    This consultation seeks views on the proposed framework and priorities for mental health in Scotland through the new 10-year Mental Health Strategy to be published in late 2016.Scottish Government have carried out engagement with people and groups to develop the new Strategy. The consultation paper reflects what has been heard and considered so far. The government are now gathering views on:

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