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  • The Right to Recover: Therapeutic services for children and young people following sexual abuse

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Protection from abuse or neglect

    NSPCC Scotland has published a research report, 'The Right to Recover: Therapeutic services for children and young people following sexual abuse'. The title is a reference to Article 39 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

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  • A Fairer Scotland for All: Race Equality Action Plan 2017-2021 and Highlight Report

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Non-discrimination

    This Plan outlines the actions that will be taken over the course of this Parliament to make improvements in the lives and experiences of minority ethnic communities in Scotland.

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  • Gypsy/Travellers celebrated for World Human Rights Day

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Non-discrimination

    The Equalities and Human Rights Committee marked Human Rights Day 2017 by focussing on Gypsy/Traveller communities in Scotland.

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  • A model of engagement with children, young people and planners in the development of children’s services plans

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    Children and young people have a right to take part in and influence how adults plan and run services for them in the areas where they live and learn. Edinburgh Children's Partnership have developed a model for engagement.

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  • Responding to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) In Scotland - Multi Agency Guidance

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Protection from abuse or neglect

    The Scottish Government has published multi-agency guidance on responding to FGM. The guidance provides a framework within which agencies and practitioners can develop and agree processes for working collaboratively and individually to promote the safety and wellbeing of women and girls.

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  • Scottish Government responds to UPR recommendations

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting

    Scottish Government has published its response to the UN Human Rights Council's recommendations following the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the UK's human rights record in Geneva in May.

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  • Study finds children exposed to increasingly high levels of ‘junk food’ advertisements

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    A new study, 'A Watershed Moment: Why it's Prime Time to Protect Children from Junk Food Adverts', finds that children in the UK are being "bombarded" by up to 12 adverts an hour for foods high in fat, sugar and salt during peak viewing times for family TV programmes.

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  • Scheme for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children to be expanded

    Date: 12th December 2017
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    The UK government has introduced legislation to extend a scheme which ensures the care responsibilities of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children is shared by local authorities to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the Immigration Minister announced.

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  • Concerns for rights protections in EU Withdrawal Bill

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    Together has submitted joint evidence to the JCHR outlining concerns about the protection of human rights in the European Union (Withdrawal Bill).

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  • ScotRail ban on rights-breaching devices

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    ScotRail has banned the use of controversial 'anti-loitering' devices (known as mosquito devices) at train stations across the network, after they were condemned by the Children's Commissioner.

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  • Children's Parliament National Sitting 2017

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    The Children's Parliament recently celebrated its 21st birthday at its 2017 National Sitting, an event at which adults were able to engage in meaningful conversations with children about their concerns and opinions.

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  • Scotland has new child poverty reduction targets

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: Child poverty

    Scotland is to become the only part of the UK with statutory targets to tackle child poverty after the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill was unanimously passed by the Scottish Parliament.

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  • Mental health problems of young carers

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: Mental health

    Young carers need more support to reduce the risk of being bullied and suffering mental health and well-being problems as a result, find new research from Barnardo's UK.

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  • Leave no child behind - Joint Statement on Universal Children's Day

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Ahead of Universal Children's Day held on 20 November, the European Commission issued a statement addressing the rights of those children who are particularly vulnerable in conflict and crisis situations.

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  • European Parliament marks World Children’s Day by launching dialogue with children

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    On 20th November, Universal Children's Day, children and young people from across Europe joined members of the European Parliament for a debate on the theme of 'The Europe We Want'.

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  • Minimum age: Balancing child protection and participation

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles, Age of criminal responsibility

    On Universal Children's Day, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings on differences in legal minimum ages to help the EU and its Member States eliminate inconsistencies, protection gaps and seemingly arbitrary restrictions resulting from different age thresholds.

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  • Fuel Poverty Strategy

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: General principles, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Social security

    Scottish Government has launched a public consultation on its new draft Fuel Poverty Strategy. The consultation seeks views on proposals to tackle and diminish fuel poverty in Scotland.

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  • Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Scottish Government has written guidance that all local authorities, schools and teachers will be required to follow. This is an opportunity for a public consultation on the guidance.

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  • New General Comments on human rights of children migrants

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children, Children in situations of exploitation, General measures of implementation

    New 'General Comments' are available on the human rights of children in the context of international migration.

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  • Domestic abuse and inequality

    Date: 27th November 2017
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care, Protection from abuse or neglect

    This seminar looks at current dimensions of women's inequality and links them up with constraints on women's and children's space for action.

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Viewing page 75 of 147 giving 2924 results