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xThe following case studies and scenarios illustrate good practice across the five principles of a children’s human rights approach. Trainers can use them as a prompt for discussion activities, or create their own scenarios adapted to the roles they are training.
Accessible local authority budget
Bus driver building relationships
Child Impact Assessment toolkit for children with a parent/carer in the criminal justice system
Children’s rights awareness raising
Children’s rights in cultural spaces
Children’s rights in housing allocation policy
Designing a child friendly feedback process
Embedding children’s rights across South Ayrshire schools
Embedding children’s rights and promoting participation
Impact of Rights Respecting School award
Improving children and young people’s involvement in social work
Inclusive communication training
Inclusive practice in schools
Involving children and young people in recruitment
Local authority commissioning services
NHS board using data to improve practice
Partnership working to support young people
Recording ‘voice’ and including non-verbal communicators
The Impact Assessment process at Children’s Hearings Scotland
The voice of the baby: A reflective guide for the arts
This is a Scottish Government-funded project. This webpage, and the linked resources within it have not been produced by the Scottish Government and so the Scottish Government cannot guarantee their quality or accuracy. Nothing on this webpage and in its linked resources is intended to constitute legal advice. Readers should seek their own independent legal advice with respect to any legal matter.