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  • Equality and the UK asylum process

    Date: 1st October 2021
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    Closing Date: 8th November 2021

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  • COVID-19 Recovery

    Date: 1st October 2021
    Category: COVID-19

    Closing Date: 9th November 2021

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  • Education Reform

    Date: 1st October 2021
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Closing Date: 26th November 2021

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  • Join Together in calling on the UN to recognise the right to a healthy environment

    Date: 1st October 2021

    We want you to join more than 1000 organisations to urge the UN Human Rights Council to support a resolution that recognises the human right to a healthy, safe, clean, and sustainable environment.

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  • NHS Grampian looks for children to support creation of its GutFeel app

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Health and health services, Mental health

    NHS Grampian is developing digital health and wellbeing resources for young people. The board was awarded an SBRI competition to develop digital interventions to support psychological services, particularly those experiencing functional gastro-intestinal disorders. As such, NHS Grampian would like young people to participate in the design of the app.

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  • Draft proposal for Member’s Bill to include right to food in Scots Law

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    A draft proposal for a Member’s Bill to include a right to food in Scots law has been lodged by MSP Rhoda Grant. It aims to reduce food insecurity and improve health.

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  • Donations for Afghan refugees wanted!

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    Refuweegee is looking to fill welcome packs for children with donated age-appropriate toys and books, school stationery, toothbrushes, hats, scarfs and gloves. Alongside this, donations are encouraged to gift a homage to Scotland – whether it be a packet of Tunnocks teacakes or a can of IrnBru!

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  • Advisory Board for Scottish Human Rights Bill meets for first time

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    An advisory board to support the development of a new human rights law for Scotland  met for the first time on Thursday 9th September. Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie chairs the group that will play a key role in progressing the Human Rights Bill and which Together is delighted to be a part of.

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  • New guidance published for Child Protection in Scotland

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Equal protection from violence

    Scottish Government has published new, non-statutory guidance that describes the responsibilities and expectations for all involved in protecting children in Scotland and replaces the 2014 version. It outlines how statutory and non-government agencies should work together with parents, families and communities to prevent harm and to protect children from abuse and neglect.

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  • Report shows modern life continues to erode happiness of young people

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Children's Society's Good Childhood Report 2021 shows that modern life continues to erode the happiness of young people. Dissatisfied with school, friendships and how they look, an estimated 306,000 10-15 year olds in the UK are unhappy with their lives.

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  • Programme for Government 2021-22 launched

    Date: 17th September 2021

    The Scottish Government has published its Programme for Government, which sets out the work the Government intends to carry out over the coming year. Area of work Scottish Government plans to focus on include: tackling inequality, transportation for children and young people, furthering support in and out of school, advancing early learning and children’s rights. 

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  • Licketyspit Storyplay Champion children - a children’s rights-based approach in practice!

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities

    Licketyspit Storyplay Champion Children are a great example of how able children are to claim their rights, hold their own and represent themselves. Storyplay is a programme that makes imaginary play an easy, wonderful and inclusive part of every day. After 18-months of Porridge & Play Online (an inter-generational imaginary play session for children under 12 and their families), these children own and understand Storyplay inside-out.

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  • New guideline on the sentencing of young people encourages rehabilitation to cut reoffending

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Child justice system

    Following consultation, the Scottish Sentencing Council has finalised a new guideline on the sentencing of young people. The ‘Sentencing young people’ guideline, which will be submitted to the High Court for approval this month, requires courts to have regard to rehabilitation as a primary consideration in sentencing young people in recognition of their greater capacity for change. The Council considers that this will help to achieve one of the guideline’s key aims: to reduce reoffending among young people.

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  • Join Together’s State of Children’s Rights webinar series

    Date: 17th September 2021

    Together is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a series of webinars in October 2021 on the State of Children’s Rights in Scotland. The webinar series will offer practical guidance on implementing children’s rights-based approaches, provide support to overcome challenges and offer a space to share examples of promising practice ahead of the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill’s implementation.

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  • Final day of 2021’s Day of General Discussion

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Over a two-day period, the Committee on the Rights of the Child discussed children’s rights in alternative care. A number of Together’s members made contributions to the discussion to further the Committee’s understanding of alternative care in Scotland.

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  • My Rights, My Voice – open call for children to get involved!

    Date: 17th September 2021
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    Children aged 10 to 17 are invited to submit a short video focusing on what rights mean to them! Children are asked to focus on a specific child right and are encouraged to express themselves through mode of speech, musical performance, role playing or theatre staging, painting or drawing performance or recordings of other creative activities! These videos hope to build children’s understanding of children’s rights

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  • What learning on equality and discrimination could your organisation benefit from?

    Date: 17th September 2021

    Closing date: 30th September 2021

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  • Scotland’s Climate Assembly publishes ‘Recommendations for Action’

    Date: 3rd September 2021

    Scotland’s Climate Assembly is made up of over 100 citizens from all walks of life tasked with examining expert evidence and agreeing recommendations for tackling the climate emergency in a fair and effective way. This report sets out 81 recommendations agreed by consensus, and calls for bold and urgent action now. As Scotland’s Climate Assembly members were aged 16+, the Assembly worked closely with Children’s Parliament to integrate their activity into the Assembly and ensure children’s voices are heard in decision-making. The children’s work was regularly fed back to Assembly members, which helped to shape the Assembly’s final recommendations.

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  • Children and young people are invited to get involved in the #IWill movement

    Date: 3rd September 2021

    Children and young people aged 10 to 25 are invited to become #IWill Ambassadors to celebrate the positive impact children and young people continue to have in their communities and environment. If you know or work with young people, you can encourage them to apply or nominate them.

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  • UNICEF publishes nine-year Child Protection Strategy

    Date: 3rd September 2021
    Category: Equal protection from violence

    UNICEF has published its 2021 – 2030 Child Protection Strategy with a vision of a world where all children are free from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect and harmful practices.

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Viewing page 24 of 148 giving 2942 results